Warm up In the morning, do you check the weather before you go out? Does it matter or not ?
You will take your Quiz towards the end of the class today. On page 114: Telling how much you like or dislike something- * beaucoup: a lot * surtout: especially * pas tellement: not so much * pas beaucoup: not very much
* pas du tout: not very much On page 114, do # 9, cd 4 Tr. 4 * Learning to ask question using the French expression: Est-ce que which means Do at the beginning of the sentence or Don’t? at the end of the sentence
Ex. Do Marc and Mary like to dance? Est-ce que Marc et Marie aiment…. Let practice how to turn a sentence to a question. 1. Tu aimes faire du roller en ligne. 2. Tu aimes faire de la natation 3. Tu aimes étudier. 4. Tu aimes faire le ménage.
On page 115, do # 11 On page 115: grammar On page 115: vocabulaire à la carte On page 115: Grammar Changing Gear: Teacher T. B. page 113. ball !! Handouts Or Quiz Exit Ticket