Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
Marine pollution: nets and plastic debris
The Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument Created by President Bush in 2006 Encompasses 137,797 square miles of the Pacific Ocean (105,564 square nautical miles) - an area larger than all the country's national parks combined.
The Monument is part of your natural heritage! The monument benefits from the most stringent environmental protection and ongoing scientific research The extensive coral reefs found in Papahānaumokuākea - truly the rainforests of the sea - are home to over 7,000 marine species! It is a place of great cultural significance to the Hawaiian people
They are part of the Hawaiian Ridge-Emperor Seamounts chain. The chain extends some 3,700 miles from the island of Hawaii to the Aleutian Trench off the coast of Siberia. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Bathymetric Profile of Hawaiian Emperor Chain
Home to 7000 marine species
Bird Nesting Sites Laysan Island Laysan albatross Sooty tern Fairy Tern Red footed boobie Laysan duck Laysan finch Brown Noddie
Fish in NWHI (low endemism) Scorpaenopsis pluralis Synchiropus kinmeiensis Epigonius devaneyi Generalized pictures
Large bird rookery and guano mining In 1857, reported 800,000 birds. hypersaline lake ( o / oo ) Laysan Island Marine pollution: nets and plastic debris
Pearl & Hermes Atoll
Midway Atoll
Kure Atoll Kure Atoll is the farthest island group from Honolulu (about 1,400 miles). The atoll is comprised of a circular reef 5 miles in diameter and the largest island (Green in photo above) is only 1.5 miles long. Mined for guano (bird manure) by Australian Copra & Guano Ltd. from 1876 until 1936.
Human Impact invasive species, bottom fishing lobster trap fishing ship-based pollution ship strike risks marine debris research diving research equipment installation wildlife sacrifice for research Global Warming increased ultraviolet radiation ocean acidification ocean temperature anomalies relevant to disease outbreaks and coral bleaching sea level rise.
Invasive Terrestrial Species Verbesina encelioides Golden crown beard Schistocerca grasshopper Rats (eradicated on some islands) Cenchrus echinatus Pheidole megacephala big-headed ants
Invasive Marine Species Hypnea Snowflake coral Christmas tree hydroid Orange striped sea anemone Balanus reticulatus Blue lined snapper
Documented distribution of Carijoa riisei and Hypnea musciformis in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and Main Hawaiian Islands.
Documented distribution of nonindigenous and invasive species in the NWHI
Casitas 2005 Ship Wrecks
Droop wing in albatross chick Midway Atoll (lead) Midway Atoll (jet fuel spill) Jet fuel storage tank Black plastic sheet Midway Atoll (lead) Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Sooty tern Laysan finch Marine pollution: nets and plastic debris Laysan albatross Laysan ducks
Laysan Island Marine pollution: nets and plastic debris
Bits and pieces of plastic are collected at sea and deposited on the Laysan Lake shoreline Marine pollution: nets and plastic debris
Albatross Chick
Even in the most remote places on earth… Marine debris piles up The Northwest Hawaiian Islands are part of the most isolated island chain in the world but… Ocean currents can carry debris for thousands of miles and… Plastic debris can last for decades!
Marine Debris & Entanglement