Pacific Northwest Waterways Association June 21-23, 2006 PORT OF NEWPORT Fishing Impacts Don Mann, General Manager
Port of Newport Incorporated in 1910, the Port of Newport serves an area of approximately 59 square miles in Lincoln County on the central Oregon Coast. The estimated population within the District is 10,290. Commercial and sport fishing, fish processing, shipping, and tourism recreation are the major industries in the district.
Yaquina Bay Terminal Commercial Docks Marina & RV Park
Yaquina Bay
Projected Revenues FY07
Projected Moorage FY07 $998,905 Commercial Troll Only Approx. 53 vessels Average length: 38’-40’ $60,000 - $63,000 or about 14%
Lease Income Majority are Marine Based (Continued Next Slide)
Lease Income (Continued)
Ex-Vessel Revenue, Ex-Processor Revenue, and Economic Contributions From Troll Salmon Fisheries in Newport 2004 Pounds PriceEx-Vessel Revenue Ex-Processor Sales Economic Contributions 4,289, ,905,5004,683, million 1.Pounds are round pound equivalents. Ex-vessel revenue and ex- processor sales (whole, fresh) are in 2004 dollars, and economic contributions are expressed as personal income in 2004 dollars. Oregon Ocean Salmon Fishing Expected Economic Impacts for 2006 Season, The Research Group, May 2006
Oregon Troll Salmon Vessel Revenue by Species Group Newport 2004 Vessel Count Troll Salmon CrabShrimpTunaGround- fish OtherTotal 2753,903,6754,602,314112,741163, ,349262,00011,240,070 Source: Pacific Coast Fisheries Information Network annual vessel summary, March 2005 extraction. Oregon Ocean Salmon Fishing Expected Economic Impacts for 2006 Season, The Research Group, May 2006
2006 Salmon Closure Impacts in Newport Season: 4 days/week June 3 days/week July Limited catch 75 fish/week Volatile market Shortage of dock space Buyback boats Fishermen’s ability to pay for services Port ability to maintain infrastructure Port rate restructuring
2006 Salmon Closure Assistance Port Outreach Specialists Project Oregon Salmon Commission Lincoln County Programs Network of Care Lincoln County Community and Economic Development Fund (Financial Aid to Fishermen through Ports for moorage expenses)
Proposed Recreational GROUNDFISH Fishery Management Measures Responding to yelloweye rockfish bycatch during whiting season: Action Alternative 1a: 48% of all 2005 angler trips out of Newport were for groundfish. Represents a 20% loss of all angler trips. Approximate 20% loss of launch revenue, recreational moorage fees - both long and short term, charter lease fees, and RV Park income. Equates to 15% loss of revenue to our total annual budget, nearly $344,000. Action Alternative 1b Potentially greater impact with reductions to the recreational HALIBUT catch and further reduced time on the water.
Questions Don Mann, General Manager PORT OF NEWPORT 600 S. E. Bay Boulevard Newport, OR Phone: Fax: