SWPRSC Northwest Kansas Reading Conference October 6, 2006 Colby High School Presented by Kelly Gillespie
SWPRSC…helping districts improve student learning!
State Reading Assessment
Kansas Reading Mission Statement The mission of Kansas reading education is for all Kansas students to be given an equal opportunity to become competent and strategic readers and writers.
Curriculum Standards Assessment Instruction
Kansas Reading Assessment General Assessment Grades 3-8 and one grade at high school (OTL) KAMM- Kansas Assessment with Multiple Measures 2% of district students Alternate Reading Assessment 1% of district students
Text Types at Each Grade Level GradeNarrativeExpositoryTechnicalPersuasive HS2222
Test Window February 26, 2007 to April 20, 2007
Test Format Four 45-minute sessions All multiple-choice items Four to eight items per tested indicator
New Performance Levels New Terms Academic Warning Approaches Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Exemplary Old Terms Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Advanced Exemplary
Reading Cut Scores
What is our goal for 2014? New AYP Targets Set Based on New State Assessments
Next steps…. Use of data to drive instruction Knowledge gained from the data What are our strengths? On which reading indicators did students excel? What are our weaknesses? Which reading indicators do students need to improve?
QPA Quality Criteria 4- Formal training of state assessments and curriculum standards Formative Assessment to drive instruction- multiple choice, teacher observation, individual reading inventories, etc….. Gather best practice information from reading educators in the state How do we improve?
Reading Instruction Kansas State Department of Education Reading Website Reading Test Specifications Reading Flip Charts KERC- Kansas Education Resource Center Online Standards Training Manual ks.org/show_topic.aspx?uc=hot_topics/Online_standards_training_ details.ascx ks.org/show_topic.aspx?uc=hot_topics/Online_standards_training_ details.ascx
Reading Standard
Reading Test Specification
Reading Flip Chart
Formative Assessment Formative assessments CETEwww.cete.ku.edu/ (need district login) Kan-Edwww.kan-ed.org/ (need district login) District formative assessments To drive instruction In a timely manner so that instruction can take place
Gathering best practices District and School Teams Service Centers, Universities, Reading Associations KSDE Reading Website KSDE Reading Consultant Kris Shaw- KSDE School Innovations Division KSDE Deputy Comm. Larry Englebrick
Reading Indicator Reports Preliminary Data for State, District, School, and Student Reading Indicator Reports available now Use these reports to improve instruction
Spring 2006 Results Student Score Listing General Assessment Students, Grade 3 Student Name SpecialScore*Perf Cat*KCA or P&P Name 1ELL471P&P Name 2ELL783KCA Name 3D844KCA Name 4854KCA Name 5925KCA Name 6975KCA Name 7ELL793KCA Name 8864KCA Name 9783KCA Name 10642KCA Name 11ELL884KCA Name 12814KCA
Spring 2006 Results, Student Indicator (S-I) Table – General Assessment, Grade 3 Reading, All Students NameFormScore Name312R64% Name312R71% Name312R68% Name312R45% Name312R40% Name312R64% Name312R38% Name312R45% Name312R50% Name312R83% Avg %65% # Items
Spring 2006 Results Instructional Planning Graph Grade 3 Reading All Students Graph 1 Performance Summary by Indiator – Average Percent Correct Across All Test Forms
Spring 2006 Results Group Summary Grade 3 Reading All Students Group Statistics Number of Students 68 Mean 75% Median 78% Mode 84% Standard Deviation 15 Range 59% High Score 97% Low Score 38% 25 th Percentile 65% 50 th Percentile 78% 75 th Percentile 84% Easiest Indicators R had 84.3 average percent correct R had 78.2 average percent correct R had 75.7 average percent correct Hardest Indicators R had 69.9 average percent correct R had 68 average percent correct R had 64.0 average percent correct
Additionally this year… Testing Writing Grades 5, 8 & 11 Window: November 15, 2006 to April 16, 2007
Kansas Public Libraries Homework Hotline Interactive Grades 4-12 New college students Free Kansas library card 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm, 7 days per week Spanish…Sunday – Thursday, 4:00-9:00
For teachers… Audio book Music Resources