The Patient-Centered Learning Program Indiana University School of Medicine - Northwest Patrick Bankston, Ph.D. Associate Dean and Director Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Indiana University School of Medicine - Northwest Northwest founded in Patient Centered Learning Program Problem-based learning curriculum established in 1990 Competency Curriculum Established in 1998 65 Medical Students (26MS I, 26MS II, 9MS III, 4MS IV 7
Indiana University School of Medicine - Northwest Campus hosted by IUN Med/Profession Bldg 35,000sq.ft. 6 Examination rooms for H&P training 7 Problem-based Learning labs 2 Teaching Labs 14 Study Rooms 1 Student Lounge 1 Genetics Clinic and Lab 14 Research laboratories and offices 8
New Classrooms for lectures and laboratories 9
Gross Anatomy Laboratory and Student Lounge State of the art gross anatomy laboratory Comfortable student lounge area for snacking and relaxing 10
History and Physical Learning Center- Standardized Patients 11
Small Group Case Session - Day 1 Independent Study - Day 2 Small Group Case Session - Day 3 Independent Study - Day4 Small Group Case Session - Day 5 Sequence of PBL case study 13
PBL - Small Group Session 14
Learners struggle with real problems The teacher is a coach or resource Students work together Students direct their own learning Time is protected for study Learning is multidisciplinary Characteristics of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) 16
Role of the Student in PBL Be responsible for identifying and independently researching learning issues Learn to work together to accomplish learning objectives Contribute meaningfully to group discussions on a consistent basis 17
Role of the Faculty in PBL Basic Science or Clinical teaching Be available for ad hoc student consultations or direction to other resources about the case Write and review cases for PBL Serve as facilitators for small group sessions 18
Advantages of the PBL Approach Adult students work with real problems to discover what they need to know and reason for learning without faculty prompting Students use their curiosity and desire for understanding the patient to discover the things they need to know Students learn to use resources 19
Students become comfortable with constant review, study, lifelong learning Students view faculty members as sources of help, not authority figures demanding performance. The case and the patient make the demands. Faculty are more valued and regarded as mentors, teachers and expert resources, rather than adversaries. Advantages of the PBL Approach 20
The Competency Curriculum is intended to meet IU School of Medicine’s primary educational mission, which is to develop and graduate physicians with characteristics that represent the highest aspirations of the profession. We expect our students to strive for the qualities of altruism, honesty, compassion, respect, responsibility, accountability and excellence. And upon graduation, they will pursue their work as a virtuous activity and a moral undertaking. In other words our goal for our students is to become virtuous physicians. IUSM - Competency Curriculum 21
Competencies Communication Basic Clinical Skills Using Basic Science as a Guide to Diagnosis Lifelong Learning Self-Awareness, Self- Care, Personal Growth Social and Community Aspects of Medicine Ethics Problem-Solving Professionalism 22
PBL Sessions every other day for two years Standardized Patients Chronic Patients Preceptor Visits Ethics Behavioral Science CQI The PBL Curriculum at IUSM-Northwest Was A Perfect Place to Integrate Competencies 23
Competitive nationally NBME - Step One Scores 24
Fourth Year Clerkships/Electives 4th Year Core Clerkships Emergency Medicine 1 month Medicine Sub-Internship 1 month Radiology 1 month Electives 7 Elective months Vacation 2 Vacation months
Third Year Clerkships Medicine Block Internal Medicine 8 weeks Neurology 4 weeks Psychiatry 4 weeks Surgical Block OB/GYN 5.3 weeks Surgery 5.3 weeks Anesthesia 1.2 wk Subspecialty 4.2 wk Family Medicine Block Family Medicine 4 weeks Pediatrics 8 weeks Vacation/Elective 4 weeks
Competitive nationally for Step 1 NBME Scores – prepares students to compete for the residency slots of their choice More hands on direct patient contact and interaction with attending physicians compared to larger academic centers Ability to conveniently explore possibilities for residencies in the excellent major medical centers in Chicago – Northwestern, University of Chicago, Loyola and University of Illinois Four Year Curriculum in NW Indiana at IUSM-NW - Advantages 28
Opportunities to work with patients and physicians in an urban setting with many underserved patients Relationship building with area health care providers for future practice and job prospects, as well as reputation building among your future peer physicians Ability to attend important social life events, like birthdays, holidays, and weddings, with family and friends Cost and time-savings due to support from family and friends Four Year Curriculum in NW Indiana at IUSM-NW – Advantages - Continued 29
Health Disparities and Urban Health Curriculum – MS III and IV opportunities Developing emphasis fitting with our location in NW Indiana and demographics served by our 10 hospitals and 4 federally qualified community health centers Longitudinal projects involving families and service learning opportunities to help solve some of our region’s most difficult health issues Scholarships available 30