A WORK PLACE-BASED LEARNING (WPBL) Policy: The National Perspective Ronel Blom March 2015
Overview Introduction What is the conceptual frame for WPBL? What are the principles guiding WPBL? What are the purposes of WPBL? What are the roles and responsibilities of role players in WPBL? What is the policy context for WPBL? The extent of the problem Conclusion
Introduction The educational value of work-based learning (WPBL) is undisputed Eases transition from learning to work Enhances employability However, first and foremost, WPBL is about learning, and not about working. Work is a vehicle for learning. A tentative definition: Workplace-based learning is an educational approach through which a person internalise knowledge, gain insights and acquire skills and competencies through exposure to a work-place to achieve specific outcomes applicable for employment. WPBL has been practiced in a policy vacuum A need for a national framework for WPBL with implementation at a system level
What is the conceptual frame for the WPBL? ‘…an educational approach that aligns academic and workplace practices for the mutual benefit of students and workplaces’ (CHE, 2011) Learning for work – induction of new entrants to the profession/vocation Learning at work – the integration of knowledge and competencies through experience Learning through work – work-related tasks as part of the curriculum The combination of these encourages the integrative aspects of learning and work
What is the conceptual frame for WPBL? Modalities/typologies of WPBL have evolved over time: PhilosophyTimingMethodLocality Pedagogical approach Pre-, In-, Post- qualification Enactment of learning Site of learning Work integrated learning In-service learningExperiential learningIndustrial placement Cooperative Education InternshipWork-based learningMulti-sited Service learningApprenticeshipArticlesJob/field Practice-orientedHousemanshipPracticumWork Voc/Occ/Prof practice Sandwich programme Field-based learningSimulated Block releaseShadowing CadetshipCommunity-based LearnershipCandidacy
What is the conceptual frame for the WPBL? (Characteristic) (Remuneration) Work exposure Unpaid, e.g. service (Time) Less time PaidMore time Apprenticeship Characteristic; time and timing; remuneration
What are the principles guiding WPBL? WPBL is aligned to the mission/vision of the institution WPBL is a matter of curriculum, pedagogy and directed learning A curriculum with WPBL ‘faces two ways’ – disciplines and the world of work WPBL is assessed and quality assured Work-related activities are related to the goals/purposes of the qualification WPBL is based on partnership between institutions, industries and the students WPBL is a long-term commitment to jointly plan for, implement and monitor learning Government is an important enabler Partners have clearly defined roles and responsibilities
What are the purposes of WPBL? To gain a qualificationTo acquire professional registration To gain work experience LearnershipsCandidacyGraduate internship Apprenticeships Internships Occupational/ vocational/technical/ professional qualification Professional designation Improved employability
What are the roles and responsibilities of role players? Who are the role players? Government (DHET and SETAs?) – policy, incentives, funding, links with other government agencies Institutions – curriculum development, implement WPBL, manage and monitor, support students, staff and employers Employers – workplace opportunities, safe environment for learning, mentor, monitor and feedback Students – LEARN, adhere to workplace rules as learner-workers, complete workplace related tasks
What is the policy context for WPBL? Recent education, training and economic policies have emphasised the need for WBPL: The National Development Plan; Massive expansion of further education and training sector artisans per year Increase linkages between post-school education and work places Funding internships and work experience programmes The New Growth Path; The National Skills Accord; To make internship and placement opportunities available within workplaces
What is the policy context for WPBL? The National Skills Development Strategy III; Workplace learning should be an integral part of all vocational programmes. Establishing effective partnerships between education and training systems and employers to provide for workplace training would ensure that skills have real labour market relevance and that young people gain an early appreciation of and exposure to the world of work Structured bridges to the world of work and quality learning in the world of work The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training: …ensuring expanded access to training opportunities, with training taking place in both educational institutions and workplaces… (2013) The White Paper on the Public Service Training and Education Youth Employment Accord and Youth Policy Levy Grant Regulations Etc…
The extent of the problem... (DHET, 2015)
Conclusion Learning to work transitions are always fraught with problems In SA combined with historical disadvantage; Almost 60% of unemployed people have never worked before, the majority of these are youth; 9 out of 10 businesses will rather hire someone with experience that those without In many systems internships and work readiness programmes are compulsory parts of qualifications; International policies highlight the need: United Nations, Commonwealth, African Youth Charter, etc. (DHET, 2015) SA policy point to WPBL as a solution to both education and economic issues
Conclusion However, WPBL does not offer a ‘quick fix’ It does not transform ‘low skills’ to ‘high skills’ It contributes to work-readiness (CHE, 2011) Benefits to: Students – enhances learning, progression, employability and self-confidence Institutions – enhances the curriculum, improves retention and motivation, the reputation of institutions Employers – pool of work-ready applicants Communities – service learning benefits Government – work-ready applicants, educated citizens Economy – productive participants