Native American Tribes Third Grade Web quest By: Mrs. Hicks
Native American Web quest Homepage Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Credits Use these links to help you navigate the web quest.
Introduction Long ago, North America was very different from the way it is today. The first people arrived in North America from Asia by crossing a land bridge that temporarily connected the continents. Since these were the first people to live in North America, they are known as Native Americans. Many different cultures of Native Americans developed over the course of time. Culture refers to the people's way of life. Each culture was affected by the natural resources that were available to them. Natural resources were used as tools for survival providing such necessities as food, clothing, and shelter. This web quest will focus on the following specific Native American cultures: Algonquin, Iroquois, Hopi, Navajo, Sioux, Blackfoot, Makah, and Inuit Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Credits
Task Your task as a group is to use the textbook resources, library books, and Internet resources to discover as much as you can about the culture you have been assigned. You will record the information on this graphic organizer. The information your groups collects will be used to create a PowerPoint presentation that will be presented to the class. Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Credits
Process Complete the research graphic organizer using textbooks, library books, and Internet resources. Read and understand the rubric. This will explain how you will be graded. Download the PowerPoint template for your presentation. Make sure you include the suggested information from the graphic organizer for each category. (You should have a minimum of 6 slides, one for each category) Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Resources Clicking on the tribe you are researching to find a page of internet resource links. Be sure to use the links at the bottom of this page for some great information and interesting facts also. Eastern Woodlands Tribes Algonquian Iroquois Southwest Tribes Hopi Navajo The Plains Tribes Sioux Blackfoot Northwest/Arctic Tribes Makah Inuit Native American Homes Native American Dwellings Native American Housing Interesting Information Native American Information Native American Video-National Geographic Kid Info.Com Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Eastern Woodlands Tribes Clicking on the hyperlinks will open a window on the internet. Close the window to come back to this page. Algonquian Facts for Kids: Algonquian People Fact Monster: Algonquian Algonquian Indians Algonquian in Olden Times Iroquois Facts for Kids: Iroquois Iroquois Tribe in Olden Times Iroquois report Fact Monster: Iroquois Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Southwest Tribes Clicking on the hyperlinks will open a window on the internet. Close the window to come back to this page. Hopi Facts for Kids: Hopi Indian Facts Hopi Indians People of the Colorado Plateua Hopi in Olden Times Navajo Navajo Weaving Fact Monster: Najavo Facts for Kids: Najavo Facts Navajo in Olden Times Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
The Plains Tribes Clicking on the hyperlinks will open a window on the internet. Close the window to come back to this page. Sioux Sioux in Olden Times Facts for Kids: Sioux (Dakota & Lakota) Great Sioux Nation Fact Monster: Sioux Blackfoot Blackfoot in Olden Times Facts for Kids: Blackfoot Blackfoot History for Kids Fact Monster: Blackfoot Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Northwest/Arctic Tribes Clicking on the hyperlinks will open a window on the internet. Close the window to come back to this page. Makah Fact Monster: Makah Makah Nation Facts for Kids: Makah Indians Makah History Lesson Inuit Arctic Inuit in Olden Times Facts for Kids: Inuit Inuit People Fact Monster: Inuit/Eskimo Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Evaluation Your group will be evaluated on your PowerPoint presentation. You need to read and understand the rubric. This will explain how you will be graded. Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info
Extra Information Native American Crafts More Crafts More Links Recipes Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Extra Info