Sara A. Bushong – Dean, University Libraries Bowling Green State University ILF Annual Conference - November 17, 2014, Making it Work: The Nuts and Bolts of Policies and Maintenance
Overview OhioLINK and the five regional depositories Timeline 2009 through 2014 Organizational structure Policies and procedures Pilot programs to inform policy/procedures Shared catalog – OHDEP Elsevier De-duplication project Conclusions and next steps
OhioLINK 90 college and university libraries, plus the State Library of Ohio Collaboratively purchase about $40 million of digital content Every $1M spent as a group saves us $3-4M Share more than 50 million print items Expert negotiators – lower prices than others
OhioLINK Resources Electronic Journal Center OhioLINK Central Catalog Electronic Book Center Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center OhioLINK Music Center Digital Resource Commons Discovery Layer Resources
Northwest Ohio Regional Depository Holdings of Bowling Green S U; U of Toledo Central Ohio Regional Depository Holdings of Ohio State University Northeast Ohio Regional Depository Holdings of U of Akron; Cleveland S U; Kent S U; NEOUCOM; Youngstown S U Southeast Ohio Regional Depository Holdings of Ohio University Southwest Ohio Regional Depository Holdings of Central S U, U Cincinnati, Miami U, Wright S U
Northwest Ohio Regional Book Depository
Order Picker - Eleanor
Regional Depositories Administrative Council Five Deans/Directors Bowling Green State University Miami University Northwest Ohio Medical University The Ohio State University Ohio University Major responsibilities Oversight of depositories Budget Facilities Capital Projects Staffing Members of the larger governing council
Coordinator Appointed -Articulate Scope of Project -Determine Opportunities -Identify Challenges -Make Recommendations Time in searching across multiple catalogs Variety cataloging traditions Inconsistent enumeration Workload limitations and location Create Governance Structure Common OPAC for depositories Pilot of 27 reference serial titles Serial Sets
Regional Depositories Governing Council BGSU Central State Cleveland State Kent State Miami University NEOMED OSU Ohio University University of Akron University of Cincinnati University of Toledo Wright State University Youngstown State OhioLINK assistance Formed in 2010, charge annually revised
De-duplication Pilot Completed -27 Reference Serial Titles -Superseded Electronically -Detailed Process Articulated -Recommendations Additional Temporary Staffing Standardizing Circulation Ongoing Archiving Purchased Dedicated III OPAC
Serials Preservation Policy Approved -Last Copy Defined as One Copy of Each Title be Maintained -Last Copy Volumes Must Circulate Second Pilot De-Duping JSTOR A&S IV Initiated Policy Limiting Duplicate Submission Approved Record Migration to Depository OPAC Policy Depository OPAC Circulation & ILLOAN “Maintain one copy of the longest run of each serial title across all five depositories. The most complete run may be stored in one or more depositories.” Preservation Policy for Serials Contained in the Ohio Regional Library Depositories, 2011
Shared Catalog - OHDEP Northeast Depository Shared Catalog Implementation Project OHDEP Cataloging/Serials Working Group OHDEP Circulation/ILL Working Group Additional of Northwest, then Wright State Central Catalog – OhioLINK Consultations with OhioLINK Committees – CIRM, DMS, ICS
Elsevier De-Duplication Project Concentrating on titles that have large number of volumes and are in all 4 depositories 101 titles completed; 7,296 linear feet released – as of September 22, 2014 – average of 72 linear feet per title List of titles shared with OhioLINK membership regularly Have completed all the “large” titles Decided to move to another publisher
De-Duplication Procedures One title at a time Identify keeper copies Includes a detailed coding document Withdraw non-keeper copies Discards at the keeper level Ongoing maintenance of de-duped titles
Policy – Handling of new journal volumes sent to depositories – 10/31/11, revised 8/22/12 First check Central Catalog for total number held state-wide If two copies, do not send to the depository Keep locally or recycle Exception Elsevier Titles – OSU participating in the CIC depository. Dedup among the remaining four depositories.
Policy – Bound Journal Circulation – 2/13/12 OhioLINK InterCampus Services Committee Depository journals – low use All bound journals in OHDEP (shared catalog) circulate for 3 weeks, 4 renewals Eliminated inconsistent loan periods
Print Serials De-duping Guidelines – February 2013 One print copy held; fullest run maintained Retained copy counted as local holdings by all who owned a de-duped copy Retained items identified as de-duped and retained Retention statement in OCLC record Circulate – same loan as OhioLINK books Circulate – via regular ILL to non-OhioLINK Exception Agreement February 2014: to keep one copy of the print journal titles until June 30, 2036
OhioLINK OCLC Depository Duplication Study
– 5 years of effort -Highly functioning governing system -Major policies in place -Shared catalog – OHDEP -Policy preventing duplicates -Routine – de-duping 2 titles weekly
Number of Volumes -Cataloging Traditions -Coding Practices -Shared OPAC -Labor Challenges Because of … Working together to develop a monograph pilot Number of Partners -Centralized Governance -Policies on Retention (Last Copy) -Policies to Standardize Services -Practices to Standardize Processes -Loss of Autonomy
Working together regionally Northwest – BGSU and University of Toledo Fundamental principles General operating assumptions Day-to-day projects Regional projects State-wide projects
Conclusions Gather appropriate stakeholders Agree on overall goal; agree to disagree at times Set initial objectives and draft policy documents Review those annually and change them as the greater library environment changes Communicate often with constituents and stakeholders