- The interaction of the world’s tallest building with the geology of the Basin the city is built in By Matthew Timmis and Mark Banham
Situated in Taiwan off main land eastern coast of China, the Taipei 101 is situated in Taipei City. The building itself is; metres (1, ft) tall and is situated as shown Designed to withstand typhoon winds and earthquake tremors The basin is; Approximately 240km² in area, Ground surface of the basin is relatively flat
Results in having two main fault lines: 1.Sanchiao fault 2.Chinshan fault However there are a further 5 less active ones Need for seismic risk mitigation Location; Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate are colliding, under the northern region of Taiwan The Philippine Sea plate, which moves northwest ward at a speed of about 8cm per year
If a cross section from A – B of the basin is carried out like shown in the map to the right: Then a profile can be drawn; A B
The Quaternary sediment layers are composed of three formations: Sungshan formation - consists of interbedded coarse-grained sand and fine- grained mud with a thickness varying from 50m in the south to 120m in the northwest 1.Chingmei formation – Layer of gravel, extremely permeable, 2.Hsinchuang formation – Composed of sand and silt with this formation being further split into; 1) Wuku formation 2) Panchiou formation The Taipei basin is formed by alluvial deposits of the three rivers flowing into the basin. Therefore: Tertiary base rock Subdivisions of soil
Depth ranging from 40m to 65m deep under structure itself Soft Sedimentary Rock Sandstone / Siltstone / Shale Bedrock is folded and faulted Tertiary Miocene Formation Strata
Flexible base, rigid structure Rigid base, flexible structure Base isolation Energy dissipitation device –Tuned mass damper –Fluid damping system
Foundations 380x5ft diameter piles ft through quaternary layers 24x6.5ft diameter piles 16-92ft through soft bed rock The Steel structure is: Bamboo inspired structure Braced by girders every 4th floor Uses outrigger columns and super columns
Dog Boned Section forcing yield away from weld Tuned mass damper –730 tonne –Located on 88 floor –30% sway reduction –Snubber ring in place to limit movement
Hybrid construction raised unexpected concerns about stresses on the ground - 700,000 tonnes Bar pressure Some of the pressure transferred to the earth's upper crust due to extremely soft sedimentary rocks Number of micro - earthquakes has increased Will not effect the building itself however it will affect surrounding buildings.