Advisory Group Members Montina Jones, Director of Urban Schools Sandy Roach, Magnet Supervisor Donna Howard, Principal Coach Brenda Reliford, Maynard Principal Lynn Draper, Spring Hill Principal George Anna Yarbro, Sarah Moore Greene Principal Lisa Light, Lonsdale Principal Muncie Harbin, South Knox Principal Becky Ervin, Vine Principal Vicki Neubert, Whittle Springs Principal Benny Perry, Austin-East Principal Katherine Banner, Austin-East Curriculum Principal Jon Rysewyk, Fulton Principal Ara Rickman, Fulton Curriculum Principal Nancy Johnson, Principal Mentor
Challenges for Urban Schools Poverty & Situational Poverty Factors and Effects of Mobility High Quality-Teacher and Leadership Recruitment Teacher Retention Student Attendance Rate Student Discipline/Suspension Rate Closing Achievement Gap/
Elementary School Percent Economically Disadvantaged Data Source: TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch School Year Average Maynard Green Sarah Moore Greene West View Christenberry Inskip Dogwood Lonsdale Beaumont Pond Gap South Knox Belle Morris Mooreland Heights Norwood Spring Hill East Knox Sunnyview West Haven Adrian Burnett Ritta System Average52.4 Carter Fountain City Mount Olive Chilhowee
Elementary School Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Data Source: TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch School Year Average Pleasant Ridge New Hopewell West Hills Gap Creek Amherst Cedar Bluff Primary Copper Ridge Corryton Karns Powell Cedar Bluff Intermediate Sterchi Bonny Kate Gibbs Hardin Valley Bearden Shannondale Ball Camp Halls Brickey-McCloud Rocky Hill Blue Grass Farragut Primary Farragut Intermediate Sequoyah A.L. Lotts
Elementary School Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Maynard 99.1% Green 98.2% Sarah Moore Greene 97.6% West View 97.6% Christenberry 93.7% Inskip 92.4% Dogwood 91.5% Lonsdale 90.7% Beaumont 90.1% Pond Gap 89.4% South Knox 86.7% Belle Morris 84.7% Mooreland Heights 76.8% Norwood 74.7% Spring Hill 70.2% East Knox 67.1% Sunnyview 63.7% West Haven 55.8% Adrian Burnett 54.8% Ritta 53.5% System Average 52.4% Carter 51.6% Fountain City 51.0% Mount Olive 50.1% Chilhowee 49.5% New Hopewell 48.4% Pleasant Ridge 47.0% West Hills 46.3% Gap Creek 42.4% Amherst 42.2% Cedar Bluff Primary 40.8% Copper Ridge 40.7% Corryton 40.1% Karns 36.9% Powell 35.8% Cedar Bluff Intermediate 35.5% Sterchi 35.3% Bonny Kate 34.5% Gibbs 33.2% Hardin Valley 29.4% Bearden 27.8% Shannondale 25.4% Ball Camp 24.6% Halls 23.3% Brickey-McCloud 21.3% Rocky Hill 16.2% Blue Grass 10.2% Farragut Primary 9.6% Farragut Intermediate 9.2% Sequoyah9.1% A. L. Lotts8.7% Data Source: 2006, 2007, TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch. 3 Year Average
Middle School Percent of Economically Disadvantaged School Year Average Vine Whittle Springs Northwest South-Doyle Carter Gresham Holston System Average46.7 Bearden Cedar Bluff Halls Powell Karns Farragut West Valley Data Source: TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch
High School Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Data Source: TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch School Year Average Austin-East Fulton Central South-Doyle Carter West System Average39.3 Gibbs Powell Karns Halls Bearden Farragut
Middle and High School Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Middle Schools Vine 96.4% Whittle Springs 93.5% Northwest 72.5% South-Doyle 59.7% Carter 54.6% Gresham 49.1% Holston 48.2% System Average 46.7% Bearden 44.8% Cedar Bluff 30.6% Halls 29.2% Karns 27.6% Powell 28.9% Farragut 10.7% West Valley 8.9% High Schools Austin-East90.1% Fulton75.0% Central 49.5% South-Doyle 48.4% Carter45.4% West40.5% System Average 39.3% Gibbs32.1% Powell24.6% Karns22.7% Halls21.7% Bearden15.4% Farragut 6.1% 3-Year Average Data Source: 2006, 2007, TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year % of Economically Disadvantaged Based on Free & Reduced Lunch
Effects of Mobility Mobility is associated with lower student achievement. Mobility is associated with low test scores regardless of the quality of the school’s instructional programs. Mobility affects students the most, but parents, teachers, school personnel, and classmates at both the departing and receiving schools are impacted. Thomas Fowler-Finn “Student Stability vs. Mobility - Factors That Contribute to Achievement Gaps - Statistical Data included”. School Administrator.
Elementary School Student Mobility Percentages School Year Average South Knox Beaumont West View Maynard Dogwood Pond Gap Christenberry Inskip Lonsdale Mooreland Heights Mount Olive Belle Morris Norwood Sarah Moore Greene Spring Hill Green Bearden Ritta Sunnyview Cedar Bluff Fountain City System Average24.5 Sterchi Pleasant Ridge Cedar Bluff Intermediate East Knox Data Source: , , Student Mobility Rates per Knox County
Elementary School Student Mobility Percentages School Year Average Adrian Burnett Karns Carter West Haven Powell Amherst Ball Camp West Hills Hardin Valley Chilhowee Copper Ridge Corryton New Hopewell Gap Creek Gibbs Farragut Primary Rocky Hill Shannondale Blue Grass Brickey-McCloud Bonny Kate Sequoyah A.L. Lotts Farragut Intermediate Data Source: , , Student Mobility Rates per Knox County
Elementary School Student Mobility Percentages South Knox 49.9% Beaumont 49.6% West View 41.3% Maynard 40.4% Dogwood 39.4% Pond Gap 39.0% Christenberry 38.5% Inskip 38.5% Lonsdale 37.0% Mooreland Heights 36.4% Mount Olive 33.4% Belle Morris 32.1% Sarah Moore Greene 31.5% Spring Hill 31.2% Norwood 31.8% Green 31.5% Bearden 30.3% Ritta 27.7% Sunnyview 26.5% Cedar Bluff Primary 26.2% Fountain City 25.6% System Average 24.5% Sterchi 23.5% Pleasant Ridge 23.3% Karns 21.5% Cedar Bluff Intermediate 22.2% East Knox 22.2% Adrian Burnett 21.7% Carter 21.4% West Haven 19.9% Powell 19.6% Amherst 19.5% Ball Camp 19.1% West Hills 19.0% Hardin Valley 17.8% Chilhowee 17.5% Copper Ridge 16.7% Corryton 16.3% New Hopewell 16.3% Gap Creek 15.7% Gibbs 14.9% Farragut Primary 13.9% Rocky Hill 13.9% Shannondale 13.3% Blue Grass 12.9% Brickey-McCloud 12.4% Bonny Kate 12.3% A. L. Lotts 10.3% Sequoyah 10.8% Farragut Intermediate 9.7% Halls 9.7% The Urban Elementary School student mobility rates are some of the highest in the system. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. Data Source: , , Student Mobility Rates per Knox County 3 Year Average
Middle School Student Mobility Percentages School Year Average Vine Northwest Whittle Springs South-Doyle Gresham Bearden Cedar Bluff System Average17.5 Carter Holston Karns Halls Powell Farragut West Valley Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Student Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County
High School Student Mobility Percentages School Year Average Fulton Austin-East Central West System Average17.4 Gibbs South-Doyle Carter Karns Halls Powell Bearden Farragut Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Student Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County
Middle and High School Student Mobility Percentages MIDDLE SCHOOLS Vine 30.7% Northwest 26.2% Whittle Springs 26.1% Gresham 20.4% South-Doyle 20.4% Bearden 20.2% Cedar Bluff 17.6% System Average 17.5% Carter 17.2% Holston 15.1% Karns 12.8% Halls 12.3% Powell 11.5% Farragut 9.7% West Valley 7.6% HIGH SCHOOLS Fulton 29.4% Austin-East 24.6% Central 22.9% West 21.4% System Average 17.4% Gibbs 17.3% South-Doyle 17.0% Carter 16.6% Karns 15.4% Halls 12.4% Powell 11.8% Bearden 11.7% Farragut 7.7% The Urban Middle and High School student mobility rates are some of the highest in the system. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. 3 Year Average Data Source: , , Student Mobility Rates per Knox County
High-Quality Teacher Recruitment and Retention Teacher and leader quality are two of the most important predictors of student academic achievement. Many of the best teachers begin their careers in the Knox County Urban Schools but many choose to transfer to other Knox County Schools after being hired into the system.
Elementary School Teacher Mobility Percentages Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Teacher Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County Human Resources Department School Year Average Norwood Green West View Ball Camp Corryton Dogwood Cedar Bluff System Average16.3 Belle Morris Farragut Primary Sunnyview Pond Gap East Knox Mooreland Heights Fountain City Ritta A.L. Lotts Inskip Sarah Moore Greene West Haven Pleasant Ridge Rocky Hill Chilhowee New Hopewell Farragut Intermediate Spring Hill
Elementary School Teacher Mobility Percentages Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Teacher Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County Human Resources Department School Year Average Brickey-McCloud Hardin Valley Sterchi West Hills Lonsdale Copper Ridge Amherst Sequoyah South Knox Halls Bearden Cedar Bluff Intermediate Adrian Burnett Christenberry Bonny Kate Powell Shannondale Mount Olive Blue Grass Karns Beaumont Gibbs Carter Maynard Gap Creek
Elementary School Teacher Mobility Percentages Three Year Average Norwood33.7 Green30.0 West View20.7 Ball Camp19.7 Corryton19.7 Dogwood18.0 System Average17.3 Cedar Bluff16.7 Belle Morris16.0 Farragut Primary16.0 Sunnyview15.7 Pond Gap15.3 East Knox14.7 Mooreland Heights14.3 Fountain City13.7 Ritta13.7 A.L. Lotts13.3 Inskip13.3 Sarah Moore Greene13.3 West Haven13.3 Pleasant Ridge13.0 Rocky Hill13.0 Chilhowee12.7 New Hopewell12.7 Farragut12.3 Spring Hill12.0 Brickey-McCloud11.7 Hardin Valley11.7 Sterchi11.7 West Hills11.7 Lonsdale11.3 Copper Ridge11.0 Amherst10.7 Sequoyah10.7 South Knox10.7 Halls10.3 Bearden10.0 Cedar Bluff Intermediate9.7 Adrian Burnett9.3 Christenberry9.3 Bonny Kate9.0 Powell9.0 Shannondale9.0 Mount Olive8.0 Blue Grass7.7 Karns7.7 Beaumont7.3 Gibbs7.3 Carter5.7 Maynard4.0 Gap Creek3.7 The Urban Elementary School student mobility rates are some of the highest in the system. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. Data Source: , , Student Mobility Rates per Knox County 3 Year Average
Middle School Teacher Mobility Percentages Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Teacher Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County Human Resources Department School Year Average Vine Holston Northwest West Valley Bearden Whittle Springs System Average11.6 Gresham Powell Carter Cedar Bluff Farragut Halls South-Doyle Karns
High School Teacher Mobility Percentages School Year Average Austin-East Karns South-Doyle West System Average Carter Powell Gibbs Halls Central Fulton Farragut Bearden Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Teacher Mobility Rate as reported by Knox County Human Resources Department
Middle and High School Teacher Mobility Percentages Austin-East 18.0% Karns 18.0% South-Doyle 14.0% Carter 13.0% Powell 12.6% West 13.3% System Average 13.2% Gibbs 12.3% Halls 12.3% Central 12.0% Fulton 12.0% Farragut 11.3% Bearden 7.7% The middle school and high school mobility rate for teachers across Knox County is a concern. 3 Year Average Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 Staff Mobility Reports from Knox County Human Resources. Vine20.3% Holston18.0% Northwest15.0% West Valley15.0% Bearden14.8% Whittle Springs14.0% System Average11.6% Gresham11.0% Powell11.0% Carter10.3% Cedar Bluff 9.6% Farragut 9.0% Halls 9.0% South-Doyle 8.0% Karns 5.7%
Attendance There is a direct correlation between attendance and academic achievement. Students who go to class invariably do better in school and maximize their opportunity for success. Attendance research indicate students who are in school most of the time do better on state tests. Studies also indicate students who are absent more often score lower on state tests. Tardies to school also affect student learning. A student who is 10 minutes late every day will miss 30 hours of instruction during the year.
Elementary School Student Attendance Percentages Data Source:2006, 2007, 2008 TN State Department of Education Report Card 3 Year Attendance Percentages School Year Average Ball Camp Farragut Intermediate Sequoyah Rocky Hill A.L. Lotts Blue Grass Bonny Kate Farragut Primary Sterchi Bearden Gap Creek Pleasant Ridge Shannondale Brickey-McCloud Chilhowee Halls Cedar Bluff Intermediate Copper Ridge Hardin Valley Karns New Hopewell Cedar Bluff Maynard Mount Olive
Elementary School Student Attendance Percentages Data Source:2006, 2007, 2008 TN State Department of Education Report Card 3 Year Attendance Percentages School Year Average West Haven Amherst Carter Corryton95.3 Inskip Sunnyview West Hills System Average95.2 Powell Mooreland Heights West View Adrian Burnett East Knox Gibbs Ritta Fountain City Lonsdale Norwood Sarah Moore Greene Spring Hill Belle Morris Pond Gap Beaumont Christenberry South Knox Green Dogwood
Elementary School Student Attendance Percentages The Urban Elementary School attendance rates are below the system-wide average. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. Data Source: Data Source: 2006, 2007, TN State Department of Education Report Card Ball Camp96.9 Farragut Intermediate96.8 Sequoyah96.8 Rocky Hill96.7 A.L. Lotts96.6 Blue Grass96.6 Bonny Kate96.3 Farragut Primary96.2 Sterchi96.2 Bearden96.1 Gap Creek96.1 Pleasant Ridge96.1 Shannondale96.0 Brickey- McCloud95.9 Chilhowee95.9 Halls95.9 Cedar Bluff Intermediate95.8 Copper Ridge95.8 Hardin Valley95.8 Karns95.8 New Hopewell95.6 Cedar Bluff95.5 Maynard95.4 Mount Olive West Haven 95.4 System Average95.2 Amherst95.3 Carter95.3 Corryton95.3 Inskip95.3 Sunnyview95.2 West Hills95.2 Powell95.1 Mooreland Heights94.9 West View94.8 Adrian Burnett94.7 East Knox94.7 Gibbs94.7 Ritta94.7 Fountain City94.5 Lonsdale94.4 Norwood94.4 Sarah Moore Greene 94.4 Spring Hill94.2 Belle Morris94.1 Pond Gap93.7 Beaumont93.6 Christenberry93.2 South Knox93.2 Green92.8 Dogwood Year Average
Middle School Student Attendance Percentages Data Source:2006, 2007, 2008 TN State Department of Education Report Card 3 Year Attendance Percentages School Year Average West Valley Farragut Karns Cedar Bluff Powell Holston Bearden System Average94.33 Carter Gresham Halls South-Doyle Whittle Springs Northwest Vine
High School Student Attendance Percentages Data Source:2006, 2007, 2008 TN State Department of Education Report Card 3 Year Attendance Percentages School Year Average Bearden Farragut Halls Karns West System Average93.00 Powell Gibbs Carter Central South-Doyle Austin-East Fulton
Middle and High School Student Attendance Percentages MIDDLE SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOLS The Urban Middle and High School attendance rates are some of the lowest in the system. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 End of Year 3-Year Average for Student Attendance Rates per Knox County West Valley96.77% Farragut96.61% Karns96.10% Cedar Bluff95.28% Powell94.83% Holston94.44% Bearden94.37% System Average94.33% Carter94.24% Gresham93.91% Halls93.89% South-Doyle93.37% Whittle Springs92.67% Northwest92.40% Vine91.84% Bearden95.60% Farragut94.72% Halls94.70% Karns94.55% Hardin Valley93.38% West93.09% System Average93.00% Powell92.97% Gibbs92.42% Carter91.44% Central90.44% South-Doyle89.87% Austin-East89.72% Fulton87.37% Three Year Average
Elementary School Yearly Number of Suspensions School Year Average Green Dogwood Spring Hill Beaumont Sarah MooreGreene Christenberry Norwood Belle Morris Lonsdale Chilhowee Maynard Inskip Hardin Valley East Knox Amherst System Average18.2 Pond Gap Pleasant Ridge Mooreland Heights West Hills Carter Powell Blue Grass Ritta Farragut Intermediate South Knox Data Source: 2006, 2007, TN State Department of Education Report Card 3-Year Total # of Suspensions
Elementary School Yearly Number of Suspensions School Year Average Karns Cedar Bluff Intermediate West View Mount Olive Gibbs Corryton Rocky Hill West Haven Sterchi A.L. Lotts Ball Camp Copper Ridge Fountain City Sunnyview Bearden Brickey-McCloud Cedar Bluff Primary New Hopewell Adrian Burnett Shannondale Bonny Kate Farragut Primary Sequoyah Gap Creek Halls Data Source: 2006, 2007, TN State Department of Education Report Card Number of Suspensions
Green Dogwood Spring Hill Beaumont Sarah Moore Greene Christenberry Norwood Belle Morris Lonsdale Chilhowee Maynard Inskip Hardin Valley East Knox Amherst System Average Pond Gap Pleasant Ridge Mooreland Heights West Hills Carter Powell Blue Grass Ritta Farragut Intermediate South Knox Karns Cedar Bluff Intermediate West View Mount Olive Gibbs Corryton Rocky Hill West Haven Sterchi A.L. Lotts Ball Camp Copper Ridge Fountain City Sunnyview Bearden Brickey-McCloud Cedar Bluff Primary New Hopewell Adrian Burnett Shannondale BonnyKate Farragut Primary Sequoyah Gap Creek Halls Three Year Average Elementary School Three Year Average Number of Suspensions
Middle School Yearly Number of Suspensions Data Source: 2006,2007, 2008 End of Year Suspensions per State Report Card School Year Average Northwest Middle South-Doyle Middle Bearden Middle Whittle Springs Middle Vine Middle Powell Middle System Average137 Gresham Middle Carter Middle Holston Middle Karns Middle Halls Middle Farragut Middle Cedar Bluff Middle West Valley Middle
High School Yearly Number of Suspensions Data Source: 2006,2007, 2008 End of Year Suspensions per State Report Card School Year Average Fulton Central Austin-East West Karns System Average271 South Doyle Carter Powell Gibbs Bearden Halls Farragut
Middle and High School Three Year Average Number of Suspensions The Urban Middle and High School attendance rates are some of the lowest in the system. This is also a concern for other schools in the district. Data Source: 2006, 2007, 2008 End of Year 3-Year Average for Student Attendance Rates per Knox County Northwest353 South-Doyle228 Bearden186 Whittle Springs180 Vine164 Powell146 System Average137 Gresham122 Carter110 Holston101 Karns101 Halls87 Farragut57 Cedar Bluff46 West Valley40 Fulton493 Central409 Austin-East349 West327 Karns321 System Average271 South Doyle257 Carter235 Powell230 Gibbs185 Bearden170 Halls151 Farragut126 Hardin ValleyNo Data Three Year Average MIDDLE SCHOOLHIGH SCHOOL
Closing the Achievement GAP A GAP in achievement in our Urban Schools is documented in the following data that shows a significant discrepancy in students projected to score a 21 or higher on the ACT based on fourth grade T-CAP, eighth grade Explore, and tenth grade Plan scores.
Fourth Grade Students On Target to Score 21 or Higher on ACT Data Source: 4 th Grade TCAP Scores School Sequoyah 86.7 Rocky Hill 74.8 New Hopewell 73.8 Gap Creek 72.7 A.L. Lotts 71.4 Blue Grass 70.9 Farragut Intermediate 69.2 Ball Camp 59.4 Sterchi 56.3 Bearden 56.1 Brickey-McCloud 54.3 Shannondale 53.3 Karns 51.0 West Hills 50.9 Cedar Bluff 49.0 Hardin Valley 48.6 Powell 48.3 Gibbs 48.3 Fountain City 46.2 Chilhowee 42.7 Amherst 40.9 Corryton 40.0 Halls 39.8 Pleasant Ridge 39.7 School Copper Ridge39.2 System Average39.2 Carter38.5 Ritta35.4 Bonny Kate34.4 West Haven34.1 Mooreland Heights32.0 Mount Olive31.7 Dogwood29.8 East Knox25.6 Pond Gap22.6 Inskip22.5 Beaumont22.1 Belle Morris22.0 Christenberry21.6 Cedar Bluff Intermediate21.6 Adrian Burnett20.7 South Knox17.4 Norwood15.5 Sarah Moore Greene12.5 Spring Hill10.6 Lonsdale8.3 Maynard7.7 Green7.1 West View3.6
Middle School Explore Results Data Source: Explore Exam School% of students on target to score 21 or higher on ACT West Valley58.6 Farragut58.3 Karns45.5 Powell39.7 Cedar Bluff39.2 Halls38.1 Bearden37.0 System Average34.4 Gresham34.2 Carter27.0 Northwest26.8 South-Doyle26.8 Holston20.5 Vine16.9 Whittle Springs12.3
High School Graduation Rates Data Source: Tennessee Department of Education Graduation Rates School Year Average Knox County Goal Farragut Bearden State Goal90.0 Powell Karns Halls West Central Austin-East Carter Gibbs South-Doyle Fulton
ACT Comparisons Data Source: Tennessee Department of Education Report Cards 3 -Year ACT Comparison Across Knox County High Schools School Farragut Bearden West Karns Halls Central Powell Gibbs State Average for South-Doyle Carter Fulton Austin-East
High School ACT Scores School% of seniors scoring 21 or higher on the ACT Farragut82 Bearden73 Karns67 Halls66 System Average62 Central59 West56 Powell55 Gibbs53 Carter51 South-Doyle50 Fulton26 Austin-East12 Data Source: ACT Scores for Senior Class of 2008
Knox County Schools - Urban Schools Forum Key Issues for Today (and the future…) Quality of Instruction / Education Effectiveness of Student Support Services Alignment of Programs & Initiatives How to Enhance & Improve our Urban Schools