Hosted by Mrs. Hall
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 Native Americans from this region hunted buffalo What is the great plains?
1,2 Native Americans in this region had totem poles. What are the Pacific Northwest and Easter Woodlands?
1,3 Native Americans in the _____ used irrigation Who are the people of the Desert Southwest?
1,4 What region has hot and dry climate What is the Desert Southwest Region?
2,1 People in the Eastern Woodlands lived in what type of houses? What are longhouses and wigwams?
2,2 People in this region live in apartment style, cliff Dwelling houses. What is the Desert Southwest?
2,3 People in this region use seashells and birch bark for tools and utensils. What is the Eastern Woodlands?
2,4 Potlatches were held in this region. What is the Pacific Northwest?
3,1 People of the great plains lived in these houses. What are Teepees and mud-soil domes?
3,2 People in this region fished for salmon. What is the Pacific Northwest?
3,3 Native Americans in the Desert Southwest used ____ to make their homes What is adobe?
3,4 Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest lived in ____ What are plankhouses?
4,1 This region is west of the Mississippi River What is the Great Plains?
4,2 This region used canoes as a tool. What is the Pacific Northwest?
4,3 This region is from Northern California to Alaska What is the Pacific Northwest?
4,4 This region is located in the southwest portion of the U.S. What is the Desert Southwest?
5,1 This region is in the east side of the U.S. What is the Eastern Woodlands?
5,2 This region has large, flat grasslands What is the Great Plains?
5,3 Daily Double!!! You don’t have to answer a question! Get Excited!!!
5,4 This region has coastal land and has a cool and breezy climate What is the Pacific Northwest?