Student Engagement: How do we engage 21 st Century learners? Welcome Educators ISTE Conference 2011
What is a 21 st Century learner? A Vision of K12 students today video
How do we engage the learners? We need to use the technology that students use everyday to connect the content they are learning at school with their lives. We need to provide opportunities for students to interact with the content in a variety of ways. We need to let the students take the lead and be there to guide them.
According to our keynote speaker, Debbie Silver, “All students must be given a reasonable chance to learn and succeed,…When they are given this opportunity, they will be engaged, and reach beyond where even they thought possible. Raising the bar and steering kids toward self-efficacy is what teachers need to be doing in the classroom.”
Teacher Responsibilities: Provide interactive environment Learn to use the new technologies Engage the students Motivate the students Educate the students
Interaction and participation increase
Collaborative workshops and learning centers
Teachers of the past Classrooms of the 21 st century
Dr. Debbie Silver Educator for 30 yrs. Staff development instructor University professor Debbie's book, Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers: Finding the Rhythm for Teaching Differentiated Learning, has just been updated and re-released by Incentive Publications.
Please welcome our keynote speaker, Dr. Debbie Silver!
References: Brewster, C., & Fager, J. (2000). Increasing student engagement and motivation: from time-on-task to homework. Northwest Regional Educational Library. DeLeeuw, K. E., & Mayer, R. E. (2006). A Comparison of Three Measures of Cognitive Load: Evidence for Separable Measures of Intrinsic, Extraneous, and Germane Load. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100 (1), Jones, D. R. (2008, November). Strengthening Student Engagement. Retrieved February 11, 2011, from International Center for Leadership in Education: r.pdf Marks, H. M. (2000). Student Engagement in Instructional Activity: Patterns in the Elementary, Middle, and High School Years. American Educational Research Journal, 37 (1), Silver, D. (2011). Debbie Silver. In Debbie Silver: Consultant, Humorist, Keynote Speaker. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from Voke, H. (2002, February). Student Engagement: Motivating Students to learn. Retrieved February 11, 2011, from ASCD Info Brief: Students-to-Learn.aspx
Suggested resources Blogs Sites: Wiki Sites: Blogs Recommended Sites: (includes extras like file sharing and discussion) (micro- blog) Wikis Recommended Sites: Social Networking Recommended Sites: (real- time networking) Ideas for the Classroom: opera/facebook-strategies-for- the-classroom/ Media Sharing Recommended Sites: (tutorials for technology apps) Ideas for the Classroom: edu ed/fil/pages/listdigitalpa.html Presenting and Media Creation Recommended Sites: Ideas for the Classroom: brary/ Document Sharing Recommended Sites: Ideas for the Classroom: ors/p_apps.html Revisiting-Google-Docs- for/23721/ one/google-presentation Virtual Worlds Recommended Sites: m Ideas for the Classroom: m brary/EDUCAUSE+Review/Ed ucationalFrontiersLearn/47221 Podcasting Sites: sting.html Social Bookmarking Sites: