Warm Up: What is impeachment?
Impeachment Power Congress has power to impeach federal officials of serious crimes Congress has power to impeach federal officials of serious crimes Impeach- to formally accuse an office holder of misconduct Impeach- to formally accuse an office holder of misconduct Congress may remove these officials if found guilty of serious crimes or treason Congress may remove these officials if found guilty of serious crimes or treason Treason-an act that betrays or endangers one country Treason-an act that betrays or endangers one country
Impeachment Power Charges must be made in House of Representatives Charges must be made in House of Representatives Majority vote is required for impeachment Majority vote is required for impeachment If impeached, accused will be formally put on trial If impeached, accused will be formally put on trial
Impeachment Power Trial on impeachment charges is held in the Senate Trial on impeachment charges is held in the Senate Senate becomes the jury Senate becomes the jury VP is judge VP is judge - unless President is charged, then it is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court The penalty for conviction is removal from office. The penalty for conviction is removal from office. 2/3 of Senate must find official guilty before they can be dismissed from office. 2/3 of Senate must find official guilty before they can be dismissed from office.
Impeachment President Andrew Johnson was first president to be impeached in 1868 President Andrew Johnson was first president to be impeached in 1868 Found not guilty by Senate by 1 vote Found not guilty by Senate by 1 vote
Nixon 1974 The Watergate Affair What crime is that the heart of the scandal? What crime is that the heart of the scandal? Nixon tried to cover up the fact that he ordered the 1972 Watergate break- in. The actual crime is called "obstruction of justice” Nixon tried to cover up the fact that he ordered the 1972 Watergate break- in. The actual crime is called "obstruction of justice”
Nixon 1974 How is the President involved? How is the President involved? The president ordered the break-in and then used the powers of his office to cover up the conspiracy. The President claimed "executive privilege" in that he refused to release information on the cover-up to Congress. The president ordered the break-in and then used the powers of his office to cover up the conspiracy. The President claimed "executive privilege" in that he refused to release information on the cover-up to Congress.
Nixon 1974 How was Congress involved? How was Congress involved? The House of Representatives had begun impeachment hearings to determine if a vote by the full house was in order. Once the hearings had begun, Nixon resigned his office, the first president ever to do so. The House of Representatives had begun impeachment hearings to determine if a vote by the full house was in order. Once the hearings had begun, Nixon resigned his office, the first president ever to do so.
Warm Up: What happens to a president if they are impeached?
Clinton 1998 The Lewinsky Scandal What crime is that the heart of the scandal? What crime is that the heart of the scandal? Clinton was accused of lying under oath during a lawsuit, which is perjury. He may also have been guilty of obstruction of justice Clinton was accused of lying under oath during a lawsuit, which is perjury. He may also have been guilty of obstruction of justice
Clinton 1998 How is the President involved? How is the President involved? The President was involved in a civil lawsuit involving sexual harassment. During the deposition, he gave false and misleading responses to the questions put to him by the special prosecutor. The President was involved in a civil lawsuit involving sexual harassment. During the deposition, he gave false and misleading responses to the questions put to him by the special prosecutor.
Clinton 1998 How was Congress involved? How was Congress involved? The House of Representatives brought articles of impeachment against President Clinton after the House Judiciary Committee found that there was enough evidence to impeach the president. The House of Representatives brought articles of impeachment against President Clinton after the House Judiciary Committee found that there was enough evidence to impeach the president. The Senate found the President not guilty, lacking the needed two thirds vote to convict and remove from office The Senate found the President not guilty, lacking the needed two thirds vote to convict and remove from office
How many Presidents have been impeached?
How many presidents have been removed from office?
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