HAYA Part 2
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Every religion has an innate character. The character of Islam is Haya” (Abu Dawud)
WHAT IS HAYA? It is a seat belt for our thoughts
What does Haya do? Saves us in case of “accidents”
What does Haya do? Controls our “Hawa” “Hawa” means inner desires
“From the words of the previous prophets that people still find are: ‘If you feel no Haya, then do as you wish’” (Bukhari).
Role of HAYA in our lives
HAYA makes us different from animals …
…. controls our animal instincts
HAYA makes us Good Mannered
HAYA stops us from … Making a FOOL of ourselves in public
HAYA makes us feel guilty when we do something wrong
HAYA makes us say – “I’m Sorry”
HAYA calms us down in anger
BRO HAYA Controls our impulsive thoughts
HAYA makes our relationships pleasant and friendly
The Prophet (PBUH) said Haya does not produce but goodness (Bukhari & Muslim)
HAYA stops us from showing off OURSELVES …
…and our STUFF…
…. And our Piety!
HAYA makes us “The Best of Creation” Surely We created The human being in the best of mould. { Surah At-Tin 95: Verse 4 }