Conclusion to the Ten Commandments Lesson 15. What Does God’s Will Require? 1.That we love Him above all else. 2.That we love our neighbor as ourselves.


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Presentation transcript:

Conclusion to the Ten Commandments Lesson 15

What Does God’s Will Require? 1.That we love Him above all else. 2.That we love our neighbor as ourselves. 3.That we love in our thoughts, words, and actions.

The Christian’s reaction to the Ten Commandments 1.We confess our sins, admit we can’t earn heaven by our works, and recognize God’s anger at sin. 2.We see that only by personal faith in Jesus are we justified (declared not guilty) and acceptable to God. 3.After being assured of salvation, we will seek to obey God and please Him as He commands.

What to do when we sin: Practice Spiritual Breathing Exhale – Confess my sins and by faith put them on Jesus my Savior – Turn away from sin as a forgiven child of God. Inhale – Trust that I am forgiven because of Jesus and I am able to live a new life. – Thankfully begin to serve God and expect His blessings.