Introduction to Voice over IP (VoIP) Sean Riley Partner Marketing Manager Grandstream Networks, Inc.
Introduction VoIP Acronyms Basics of VoIP Comparisons with current phone systems VoIP Protocols VoIP Issues Telephone Regulation Future of VoIP Deployment Scenario VoIP
VoIP Acronyms ATA Analog Telephone adapter A device that coverts analog voice signals to digital signals which can then be transmitted over the Internet. Auto Attendant An automatic response system, such as a voice presenting options such as press 2 for sales, 5 for Lisa, etc., which handles incoming calls and sends them to the appropriate phone or message. BYOD Bring Your Own Device Some VoIP providers allow a person to supply their own equipment or ATA. CDR Call Detail Recording Details about a specific call that includes duration, origination, destination, and billable information, as well as other pertinent information. VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 2) Codec Normally used to reference to converting analog signals to digital or digital signals to analog. It can be used in conjunction with compression software to compress and decompress these signals to varying degrees. DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol A communications protocol that lets network administrators supervise and distribute IP addresses from a central point to each computer or device on a network. DID Direct Inward Dialing A service that allows an enterprise to allocate individual phone numbers to each person within its PBX system. VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 3) DTMF Dual Tone Multi-frequency Also known as Touchtone, it is the signal generated when you press a telephone's touch keys that is sent to the telephone company. These signals are actually two tones of a specific frequency designed so that a voice cannot duplicate them. The ability for interactive telephone menus to work correctly across different networks and phone systems is due to the fact that DTMF tones are standardized and are uniquely linked to a number (and # or *) on the telephone keypad. Echo Cancellation Echo cancellation is the process of eliminating echo from voice communication to improve the quality of the call. It is necessary because speech compression techniques and packet processing delays generate echo, of which there are 2 types, acoustic echo and hybrid echo. Echo cancellation improves voice quality in VoIP calls and also reduces the required bandwidth due to silence suppression techniques. VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 4) IVR Interactive Voice Response An integrated software information system that speaks to callers and uses menus and voice responses. By using touch-tone keypad entries to interact with the software, you get voice responses with real time data. Jitter As data load increases and decreases, routers on the Internet can create slightly different times that individual packets take to travel from one point to another point. This variation in time is known as jitter. Latency The time it takes for a packet to reach its destination. Higher delay times can be an issue, especially for VoIP, where voice delay can be recognized with latency higher than 150 milliseconds. Higher than 500 milliseconds and the conversation is going to be very problematic. VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 5) PBX Public Branch Exchange A private telephone switching system that allows outside phone lines from a telecommunications provider to connect to extensions within the office or building. They usually have multiple features including call forwarding, rollover, paging and voice mail. POTS Plain Old Telephone System The familiar single phone line, single phone number system that has been in existence for many years. PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network The combination of local, long-distance and international carriers that make up the worldwide telephone network. VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 6) SIP Session Initiation Protocol is a signaling protocol for Internet conferencing, telephony, and instant messaging. It is a request-response protocol, dealing with requests from clients and responses from servers. initiating an interactive user session. SIP Trunking is the use of VoIP to facilitate the connection of typically a PBX to the Internet, where the Internet replaces the conventional telephone trunk, allowing a business to communicate with traditional PSTN telephone subscribers worldwide by connecting to an ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider). Softphone IP telephony software that allows end users to send and receive calls over the computer or hand held PC device (PDA) over the Internet. Typically used in conjunction with a headset and microphone VoIP
VoIP Acronyms (Page 7) STUN Simple transversal of UDP through NATs is a protocol for assisting devices behind a NAT firewall or router with their packet routing. Switch A switch is a device that keeps a record of the MAC addresses of all devices connected to it and then channels incoming data from any of multiple input ports to the specific output port that will take the data toward its intended destination. T38 A recognized codec standard for sending fax transmissions over an IP network in real time. Messages are sent as UDP or TCP/IP packets. UDP User Datagram Protocol is a communications protocol that does not provide sequencing of the packets. The application must be able to make sure that the entire message has arrived and is in the right order. VoIP
VoIP Basic Technology Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the process of digitally sending an audio signal (usually voice) over a network or the internet VoIP
How Phones Used To Work Phones were connected by a direct physical line from 1 user to another user. The line remained open for the entire duration of the call. A call from California to New York required a large length of copper wire connecting the 2 talkers. It would cost a lot for the call because the talkers would actually own a 3,000 mile long copper wire for the period of time they were on the phone. VoIP
How Analog Works Today Your voice is digitized and sent along with other users across a fiber optic cable. These calls are transmitted at a fixed rate of 64 kilobits per second (Kbps) in each direction, for a total transmission rate of 128 Kbps. So in a 10-minute conversation, the total transmission is 9,600 KB. If you look at a typical phone transmission much of the transmitted data is wasted. While you are talking the other party is listening (and vice versa) such that only half the line is used at any time. VoIP
How IP Phones Work IP Phones receive phone numbers then determine if the number is an IP “soft phone” or a physical “hard phone” by contacting the VoIP company’s Call processor. If it a soft phone then an IP address is acquired, otherwise the call will go through the VoIP company’s phone network. IP phones data is sent as packets and only when there is data to be sent i.e. talking. VoIP
Comparison Example Analog Phone Implementation IP Phones Jill Hi Hi Jill Jack Jack How are You? How are You? Great!!! Great!!! An important difference between the IP phones and an analog phone services is the amount of redundant data sent. VoIP
Network Protocol Structure for Internet Telephony H.323 or SIP RTP, RTCP, RSVP, RTSP Transport Layer (UDP, TCP) Network Layer (IP, IP Multicast) Data Link Layer Physical Layer VoIP
Session Initialization Protocol Application layer In charge of establishing and terminating sessions in Internet telephony Client's Methods Invite - invites callee(s) to participate in a call ACK - Acknowledges the invitation Options - Inquires about media capabilities without setting up a call Cancel - Terminates the invitation Bye - Terminates a Call Register - Sends users Location to a registrar (a SIP server) VoIP
Functionality of IP Phones They come with all the regular phone options including: Caller ID Call waiting Call transfer Repeat dial Return call Three-way calling Call Forwarding (with additional features) VoIP
Current Implementations of IP Telephony IP Phone Soft (software Hard (hardware; physical device) Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) Analog Gateway Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Online Video Gaming Online Messaging (Skype, Google Talk) animate VoIP
IP Phone VoIP
Analog Gateway VoIP
Things to understand (as an IP-based technology) 1) Privacy 2) Ensure correct billing 3) Protection from Denial of Service (DoS) 4) Protection from packet manipulation. Animate
Ways to Secure VoIP 1) Encrypt VoIP traffic 2) Properly configure firewalls 3) Consider segmenting voice and data traffic by using a virtual LAN 4) Use proxy servers in front of corporate firewalls to process incoming and outgoing voice data 5) Make sure that server based IP PBXs are locked down and protected against viruses and DDoS attacks. animate VoIP
VoIP – Minimum requirements Broadband internet connection Willingness to venture into IP, (while saving 50-80% vs. analog phones) VoIP
Why VoIP ??? 1) Typically much easier & cheaper to install 2) Save Money (often more than 50%!) 3) Easier to upgrade 4) Keep your voice and its pertinent data on the same network 5) Different devices can communicate with each other VoIP
VoIP vs. PSTN Carrier Lines Bandwidth Added Features Expandability and Upgradeability Typical Cost of a Business Line Rental Typical Local Call Cost Free Calls VoIP
VoIP Advantages Reliability (Redundancy) QoS PoE Security Phone Regulations/Cost VoIP
Improvement for any time-dependent internet application Quality of Service Improvement for any time-dependent internet application VoIP
Power over Ethernet Useful application in the deployment of VoIP phones Power over Ethernet (PoE) allows devices to be powered by the ethernet connection Advantages Allows use in remote areas Can connect to a network backed up by a UPS so when power outages occur, phone is still powered and functional VoIP
VoIP and Telephone Regulations VoIP telephone service is a direct competitor with the traditional phone service. This new use for the Internet is deemed a “internet service” rather than a “voice service”. This distinction allows for cost savings due to passing ‘country tolls’ VoIP
VoIP Regulation $$$ is not the only force behind transitioning to VoIP Regulation has given way to standards of service including, but not limited to 911 availability As of May 19, 2005, the FCC has required that all VoIP providers deliver all 911 calls to the customer’s local emergency operator. Customers must be able to update their local information at any time, even remotely. Applicable to any phone that connect to the PSTN VoIP
College Deployment Analog telephone wiring being routed VoIP
Analog Phone Connections Wiring to the outside Telephone connections to Patch Panel VoIP
Deployment Scenario: Seeing the light… Currently deploys more than 40 IP phones to remote sites VoIP
How do I get VoIP ??!! Consumer Providers Business Providers Vonage Basic Talk Ring Central Vitelity Business Providers Phone Power Broadvox VoIP