[Insert exercise name] Controller and Evaluator Briefing [Insert exercise date] Controller and Evaluator Briefing [Insert exercise date]
Welcome & Introductions
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Meeting Agenda Exercise Overview Exercise Location and Area Exercise Schedule Exercise Scenario Exercise Control Concept Exercise Controllers Exercise Evaluators Exercise “Administrivia” Conclusion
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Players [Insert list of exercise players]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Purpose [Insert purpose of exercise]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Objectives [Insert list of exercise objectives. Use additional slides as necessary.]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Play Exercise Play will be on [date], from [time] Exercise Play will take place at [location] Play will be restricted to the delineated areas within [location]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Safety is EVERYONE’S concern Safety concerns override exercise execution Be aware that operating in this environment is inherently dangerous Controllers and Evaluators must immediately inform the Safety Controller or Senior Controller of safety concern. Actual emergencies will be identified by the saying: “ Real World Emergency” Exercise Safety
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Weapons Policy It is standard exercise policy to ensure that every effort is made to provide a safe and secure environment at all exercises for its participants, observers/VIPs, control/evaluation staff, volunteers, and the general public. Exercise planners and controllers will plan for and promulgate the following control measures regarding weapons, whether introduced as a simulated device during exercise play or used by law enforcement officers in their normal scope of duties: For the purpose of this policy, a “weapon” means all firearms, knives, explosive devices, less than lethal weapons/tools/devices, and any object capable of causing bodily harm. Qualified personnel (e.g., law enforcement, security, military) with the legal authority to carry weapons who have an assigned exercise role (e.g., responder and tactical team) and have the potential for interaction with other exercise participants will NOT carry a loaded weapon within the confines of the exercise play area. They may continue to carry their weapons only after they have been properly cleared and rendered safe (i.e., no ammunition in chamber, cylinder, breach, or magazines) and only after being marked or identified in a conspicuous manner (i.e., bright visible tape around the visible stock or holster). The use of an area clearly marked as “off limits,” and with assigned armed personnel to secure weapons in a container, vehicle, or other security area is acceptable, and should be consistent with host jurisdiction weapons security policies.
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Weapons Policy Qualified personnel (e.g., law enforcement, security, military) with the legal authority to carry weapons who are used to provide “real world” perimeter security for the exercise and have no assigned or direct interaction with exercise participants may continue to carry loaded weapons as part of their normal scope of duty. · All other personnel with no legal authority to carry weapons will not bring, introduce, or have in their possession any weapon of any type in any area associated with the exercise. Safety briefings will be provided to all exercise participants specifying provisions and policies regarding weapons before the start of the exercise. · Simulated explosive devices, such as “flash bangs,” pyrotechnics, flares, smoke grenades, etc., will be handled and/or detonated only by qualified exercise staff or bomb technicians. · Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated during exercise conduct, except in matters of self-defense. Examples of aggressive behavior may include, but are not limited to, excessive speeding; uncontrolled animals (e.g., K-9s and horses); employment of defense products (e.g., mace, pepper spray, stun guns, tasers, batons); and forceful use of operational response equipment or tools (e.g., pike poles and hose lines used at full stream on victims). Exceptions to this policy specifying special mitigating circumstances will be directed to the lead exercise planner, in writing, 30 days before the exercise.
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Response Players are going to respond to their respective locations from the Assembly Area by vehicle. Vehicles should respond with the flow of traffic when the Assembly Area Controller releases. No red or blue lights should be used to respond to the exericse.
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Play Area [Insert exercise play area map]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Schedule [Insert exercise schedule]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Scenario Overview Date: [Insert] Time: [Insert] Setting: [Insert] Incident: [Insert] Weather: [Insert]
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY [Insert scenario] Exercise Background Scenario
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Plan (EXPLAN) Controller/Evaluator Handbook (C/E Handbook) Guidelines Exercise Evaluation Guides Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) Timeline Messages Activity Log Exercise Documentation
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Controller and Evaluator Overview
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise execution is the responsibility of the Exercise Director and the Senior Controller Controllers/Evaluators organized by player location/function Experienced controllers in key positions Observers/Media remain in designated area Control & Observation Concept
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Coordinate activities with the Lead Exercise Planner, Senior Controller, and other controllers in your area Notify the Lead Exercise Planner and/or Senior Controller of ANY problems related to safety or scenario play Control & Observation Guidelines
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Inject Enforce Report Attend responder “Hot wash” Attend final Controller/ Evaluator Debrief at the end of the exercise in one of the classrooms Complete and turn in exercise documentation Controller Functions
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Senior Controller Monitors exercise progress and makes decisions regarding any deviations or changes Coordinates any required modifications Individual Controller Introduces, maintains, and coordinates exercise events in accordance with the MSEL Observes and reports exercise artificialities that interfere with realism Additional information is listed in the C/E Handbook Controller Responsibilities
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY DO NOT: Hold personal conversations with Players Provide extra or advance information to Players Prompt Players (unless directed by the Senior Controller/Lead Exercise Planner) DO: Deliver injects promptly as directed by the Senior Controller Notify the Senior Controller of events or need for changes Controller Guidelines
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Evaluation
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Evaluation Goals Validate strengths, and identify improvement opportunities. Validate plans, procedures, and protocols. Improve processes and plans. Determine level of capability in regard to the exercise’s target capabilities. 26
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY EEG Concept The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Volume III provides evaluation and improvement planning policy. Evaluations should be objective-based to remain in line with: National Preparedness Guidelines Target Capabilities List (TCL) Jurisdiction and agency plans HSEEP EEG templates provide streamlined process for standardized evaluation concept, not necessarily content. 27
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY EEG Concept (cont’d) Capability-based approach relies on similar activities to achieve a capability. Activities are achieved through successful completion of tactical tasks. Task detail should come from actual plan being exercised. Consistent across exercises from TCL Consistent across exercises from Universal Task List (UTL) Content should be based on UTL detail but include actual text from applicable plan 28
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY EEG Function Allows evaluators to review validation of plan elements –Plans used will depend on participating agencies Includes direct references to plan sections, tables, and charts –Allows evaluators to better prepare for exercise –Provides detail for what will be expected of players Remains focused on exercise objectives as they relate to the selected target capability 29
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Use of EEGs Evaluation team should use EEGs in conjunction with full plans to prepare. Use EEGs as guides for observation, but do not focus on completing them during the exercise. Use EEGs for data analysis after exercise and in preparation for the evaluator debriefing. Use measured results to make actionable improvement recommendations within the After Action Report (AAR)/ Improvement Plan (IP). 30
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY HSEEP Methodology Steps Evaluation Tools Timeline Use of Evaluation Tools Exercise objectives, actual plans and procedures Evaluator logEEG analysis sheet AAR data input form Through Final Planning Conference (FPC) planning During exercise Controller/ Evaluator (C/E) Debriefing Postexercise, before AAR draft development 31
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Evaluator Notes and Data Evaluators should capture player discussions, decisions, actions, and activity during exercise play. The EEGs provided should serve as guides for documentation of exercise activity. 32
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY EEG Analysis Form Each evaluator will be provided with EEGs that will give specific guidance on what data to collect during the exercise, how to record it, and how to analyze it. These forms should be completed at the conclusion of the exercise, using data gathered during the exercise. 33
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY EEG AAR Data Input Form Each EEG will include a second form to be completed following the C/E Debriefing. This form will serve as an expansion to the notes captured in the EEG analysis form, including an area to provide recommendations. Evaluators should complete one AAR input form for each identified strength or area for improvement. 34
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP) Data from the EEGs and debriefing will be compiled into the AAR/IP. The AAR/IP will include assessments for each capability observed as well as issues and recommendations. AAR/IP data will be entered into a corrective action tracking system. Agency Corrective Action Program 35
Evaluation Process
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Evaluator Responsibilities Understand the exercise concept and scenario. Collect information. Make observations on player deliberations, actions, and decision processes. Analyze actions and develop postexercise AAR/IP input. 37
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Preexercise Responsibilities Review appropriate plans, procedures, and protocols. Participate in C/E Briefing. Review appropriate exercise materials to be familiar with scenario, objectives, and target capabilities. Review EEGs and other supporting materials for your area of responsibility. 38
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Responsibilities Monitor and document player performance. Use EEGs to confirm objectives are being met. Focus on critical tasks, as specified in the EEGs and plans being exercised. 39
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Evaluator Guidelines At the start of the exercise, evaluators should: Position themselves within the appropriate group or area Determine an ideal location to observe exercise play Be prepared to move within the group to follow movement of play Evaluators should not: Focus solely on the group or organization leader Interfere with exercise discussion or action 40
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Observing the Exercise Evaluators must keep an accurate written record of important issues that take place during the exercise: Who performed the action or made the decision? What occurred? Why did the action take place, or why was the decision made? How did they perform the action or make the decision? 41
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Recording Important Events Evaluators should record events such as: –Initiating scenario events –Actions of players –Key decisions –Deviations from plans and procedures –Times of significant actions –Equipment used –Directives –Movement and activity –Discussion 42
Assessment, Review, and Analysis of the Exercise
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Postexercise Analysis Responsibilities Participate in the Hot Wash, and take notes on findings identified by players. Summarize your notes and prepare for the C/E Debriefing. Have your summary ready for the lead evaluator, including bulleted strengths and areas for improvement from activity analysis. Use data to determine whether the exercise capabilities and plans were effectively implemented. –Identify observations as strengths or areas for improvement. 44
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Player Hot Wash Allows players to participate in a self-assessment of the exercise play. Allows evaluators to clarify additional points and collect missing information. 45
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Controller and Evaluator (C/E) Debriefing Work to complete EEG analysis forms for submission. Discuss degree to which each objective was completed. Provide strengths, best practices, lessons learned, and possible IP recommendations. Begin outlining issues to be included in AAR/IP on AAR data input forms. 46
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY AAR/IP Input Use the EEG AAR data input form. Complete one form for each strength and area for improvement. Observation. Write a one-sentence statement that identifies the strength or area for improvement as noted in the activity analysis tables. References. Reference relevant plans, policies, procedures, laws, or regulations that could be used to facilitate implementing recommendations for improvement or capturing strengths. Analysis. Document detailed data on what you observed during the exercise specific to this individual observation. Recommendations. Suggest steps to allow the participants to further improve the plans or share strengths. All AAR input is due to [lead evaluator] no later than [date]. 47
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Evaluation Matrix Objective MetObjective Not Met Players followed plan procedures Plan works Document best practices and strengths Capture why plan didn’t work Document how to improve relevant plan elements Players did not follow plan procedures Capture how objective was met Recommend successful actions and procedures be included in plan rewrite Capture why plan was not used May require plan training and familiarization 48
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise Implementation
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Artificialities and constraints, such as the Assembly Area, may detract from realism. Some other artificialities include the following: Surrogates may be playing in place of some key decision makers Real distances may be reduced to fit play location constraints The exercise will be played in real time. However, there may be some time jumps or acceleration to meet certain objectives Exercise Artificialities
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Players will be located in and dispatched from the Assembly Area Will be released according to the MSEL Only Lyndon Rescue and ARC may move vehicles Responder Deployment
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Concept of “Earned Information” Communication [Insert method for communication] Problem Resolution
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY At a minimum should be used to: Report emergencies or safety issues Report major timeline events Acknowledge communication checks for timeline status Exercise Communications
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Exercise “Administrivia”
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Participants BLACK Participants BLACK Participants BLACK Participants BLACK Exercise Badges
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Victim Tags On ground, not moving Large shrapnel piece protruding from abdomen Swollen Eyes Resp: 10 and shallow audible crackling Pulse: 90 BP: 90/60 Unresponsive Unable to follow commands Moaning only Unable to walk Thank you for your participation!!!
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Restrooms will be available [Insert location] Food will be located [Insert location] Drinkable water will be [Insert location] Exercise Follow Up: ALL EXERCISE DOCUMENTATION (EEGs/activity logs) Timeline Exercise “Administrivia”
FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Know your role and the scenario Do not prompt or get in the way of players Contact the Exercise Director and/or Senior Controller with any problems or questions SAFETY COMES FIRST – use the phrase “Real World Emergency” in any actual emergency! Final Exercise Reminders