Teaching Progression and Drills for Blocking and Tackling Dave DeJaegher - Alleman High School ddejaegher@allemanhighschool.org
Fundamentals Win. Football is two things: Blocking and Tackling. I don’t care anything about formations or new offenses or tricks on defense. If you block and tackle better than the team you are playing, you win. - Vince Lombardi
3 skills we teach daily: Blocking Block Protection Tackling * super important that we don’t compromise practice time on teaching these skills
In Order to Improve Make it a top priority Need to dedicate necessary practice time Takes the commitment of the entire coaching staff Emphasize high repetition & technique over live blocking & tackling
Goals Improve Player Safety Improve Players’ Skills & Confidence Improve your football team and program In order to achieve these goals it is super important to strike the proper balance of practice tempo to game speed
With all 3 skills we teach the same 4 concepts: Stance & Pre-Snap Communication Footwork (heavy emphasis on first 2 steps) Leverage (proper shoulder to hip relationship) Finish (leg drive)
BLOCKING (Teach Shoulder Block in Our Program) Stance & Communication Base/Set Position/Down Position/Line Calls Footwork (First two steps critical) 1st Step = 6” Play-Side Step (Goal=head play-side) 2nd Step = Power Step (Shoulder/Leg Concept) Leverage Proper Shoulder to Hip Relationship to Achieve a Power Angle Finish Leg Drive (Feet Separated for Good Base)
Base Set Position Down Position
Footwork Play-side Step – 6”/45 degree directional step, enable the player to position his head play-side on the defender
Power Step – drive into the defender with a power step & a shoulder/forearm combo, put the defender back on his heels, head has to get play-side, steer the defender away from the play with off-hand.
Shoulder-to-Hip Relationship Leverage Incorrect Correct form Shoulder-to-Hip Relationship Incorrect
Finish Feet separated, good base, drive the defender off the ball!!
Leg Drive Correct – feet apart, wide base Incorrect – feet too close together
Blocking Practice Drills Chutes & Boards Crowther Sled Routine 7-Man One on One Live Backside Scoop Pass Blocking Routine
Practice Routine Monday Hand out blocking sheets and agilities 7-man Pre-practice Fundamentals Group Time Team Monday Hand out blocking sheets and agilities 7-man Intro opponent Tuesday Work on trap and veer steps Chutes/ Crowther routines Play review Script Wednesday Work on combo blocks and midline steps Pass blocking routine Pass blocking with backs, goal line run fits
Troubleshooting Blocking Problems Assignment Overload Bad Stance (need air under your heels) Slow off the Ball (getting off the ball is #1 priority) Poor Footwork (review the first 2 steps) Poor Leverage (hips too high or low) No Finish! (feet stop after contact)
BLOCK PROTECTION Before the defensive player can make a tackle he first must deal with the man assigned to block him Most underrated, under-coached, and most important skill a defensive player can have
3 Main Points of Emphasis of Block Protection Diagnose the Play (pre and post snap) Attack the Blocker Separate yourself from the Blocker
Block Protection Stance & Communication Leverage Finish Footwork Align Properly/Good FB Position/Eyes on Read Key Footwork React to Read Key/Attack the Blocker/Split Defender(2/3) Leverage Front 5 attack with their hands with power step and lockout LBs attack with a shoulder/forearm combo with power step Finish Either - Jam Offensive player into hole, push/pull release, shed defender with off hand, or rip and release
Attitude for Block Protection Attack and Stun the Offensive Player Get off the block and get to the football The blocker is an obstacle on your way to the football Don’t play the blocker – play through the blocker
TACKLING Definition – Defensive player winning the desired collision between himself and the ball carrier Safety is the #1 Priority Build your players confidence in his tackling ability Mentality- “Be the Hammer and not the Nail”
Approach Breakdown Contact ABC’s of Tackling Transition from your FB position (stance) and close the distance between you and the ball carrier (Pursuit) Breakdown Gather momentum & get back to good FB position (hips flexed in a good power position) Contact Correct head placement (Bite the FB), Power step with simultaneous contact with the top of the shoulder, wrap up the ball carrier, and run through the tackle
Block Protection & Tackling Practice Drills (Emphasis on Repetition, Form, & Safety) Program Form Tackling Circuit Goal = 8-10 Form Tackles reps per player in 10 Minute Period Shed & Tackle Circuit Goal = 4 Block Protections reps & 6 Form Tackle reps per player Sideline Pursuit & Angle Tackles (4 reps-2each direction) Bear & Tiger Drill (12 block protect reps & 6 tackle reps per player) 7 Man Machine Gun Block Protection (14 reps per player) 1 Man Form Tackling Routine (4-6 reps per player) Mirror Pursuit Drill (multiple transitions of shuffle to sprint)
Contact Information Dave DeJaegher Alleman High School 1103 - 40th Street Rock Island, Illinois 61201 (309) 786-7793 ddejaegher@allemanhighschool.org