Welcome Job’s Daughters Please: Turn cell phones off or use the “stun” option Introduce yourself to 5 people you don’t know
Boundaries for Today’s Session Full Value Contract Agree to be safe Agree to do valuing behaviors and be supportive of the group Agree to give and receive honest feedback Agree to “let go” of negative feelings, stale issues and move on
Challenge by Choice Agree to participate to the best of your ability Be responsible for your own actions Choose your own level of challenge Set a goal and attempt to reach it to the best of your ability
A Day in the Life of American Children/Teenagers 3 die from child abuse 9 are murdered 13 die from guns 27 die from poverty 110 teens attempt suicide 8 will succeed 202 arrested for drug offenses 340 arrested for drinking or drunken driving 1115 have abortions 1340 give birth 40 under 18 give birth to their third child 2255 drop out of school 100,000 are homeless
40 Developmental Assets External Support Empowerment Boundaries and Expectations Constructive Use of Time Internal Commitment to Learning Positive Values Social Competencies Positive Identity
Dr. Victor Frankl “The last of the human freedoms is to determine one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances – to choose one’s own way. It is not what is done to us that matters, but how we take what is done to us. You are in charge of your own attitude.”
Jack Canfield Events of Life + Your Response = Your Outcome
Intervention Is Never a single event Always change over time Usually uncomfortable for both parties
Intervention: The Right Way Share your concern Be specific Offer your help in moving forward
Know When to: Refer to an adult Talk with your/their parents Let go of the problem
Final Exam Name the 5 wealthiest people in the world Name the last 5 Vice Presidents of the US Name the last 5 winners of the Miss America pagent Name 10 people who have won either the Nobel or Pulitzer prize Name the past 3 winners of the World Series
Final Exam: Part Two List 3 teachers who have aided your journey through school Name 3 friends who have helped you through a difficult time Name 5 people in your life who have taught you something worthwhile Think of 2 people who have made you feel appreciated Think of 5 people you enjoy spending time with Name 3 people whose stories have inspired you