JANUARY 24, 2009 South Dakota Indian Studies
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Welcome Exercise Find someone who has on the same color shirt as you Learn three things about that person that you can share with the class, including a comment about a current event. We’ll regroup in 5 minutes to share.
Rubric creation Rubric for online discussion Rubric for March presentation Rubric for Differentiated Lesson Plans
KWL What do you KNOW? Poverty/alcoholism/i ncarceration;Being late acceptable- different perspective of time; powwows take precedence; other cultures are very similar; fear of school; lack of trust; protective about family-family means ‘extended’ family; few worries- it will work out/acceptance What do you WANT to know? How schools work on reservations; BIA; how does native language play into the picture; language preservation; how to bring this to our students; What is ‘tribal’ and how does tribal government work (sovereignty and US relations); contemporary reservation cultural; transition from reservation to urban environment What did you LEARN?
Topics for January 24 History of American Indians General All Cultural Regions Plains Indians History Geographic history Areas and boundaries SD Indian Tribes History Education history
History of SD Indigenous People BCE -- Paleolithic period -- Paleoindian hunters lived by hunting now extinct animals like mammoths and ice-age bison BCE -- Archaic period -- Archaic peoples gathered wild plants and hunted more kinds of animals, living better off the land BCE -- Woodland period -- People became more efficient at killing game like bison and deer. They could therefore live in larger groups. 200 BCE -- Woodland period -- People along the Missouri River built burial mounds and made pottery The bow and arrow came into use, replacing darts and spears Plains Village people (predecessors to the Mandan, Arikara, and Hidatsa peoples) began to plant corn, and sunflowers, in addition to hunting. They lived in earth lodges within villages protected by ditches and log palisades Plains Village people were living all along the Missouri River valley. There is also archaeological evidence of their hunting camps all throughout the state.
History of SD Indigenous People 1600’s tribes move west & receive horses from Spanish Trading w/Spanish and French Pre The Sioux Indians, having been pushed out of Minnesota by the Chippewa, first reach the Missouri River. On their way to the Missouri, the Sioux drove the Omaha Indians from the Big Sioux and James River valleys. Sioux arrival at the Missouri ignites a long war with the Arikara for control of the Missouri Valley in central South Dakota. 1800s- Great Sioux Nation presides over plains (SD, ND, MT, WY, NE) 1803 Louisiana Purchase Treaty 1804: Sioux meet the Louis & Clark expedition Trading posts established through out the west & fur trading becomes part of Ogalala life Ogalala & Lakota move into North and South Dakota 1849 U.S. purchase Ft. Laramie
Power Hour Presentations Each group will do a brief study of one of the Native American Cultural regions You will have one hour to provide basic information about that region including: religious ceremonies, social order, customs, geographic boundaries, at least one notable person and at least one notable event, trade and food. You can present on the wiki or via power point. Three resources minimum Start with:
SD Tribes