PowerPoint by: Nolan Matthews
Snakes eat their prey whole. All type of snakes that are poisonous are called pit-vipers. Vipers use venom to kill or stun there prey. Other snakes kill their prey by squeezing or suffocating their prey. All snakes shed their skin very many times a year. Most people think snakes are very dangerous even though some or most snakes are completely harmless
Something interesting that I learned from reading about snakes, is some snakes are large, and strong enough to strangle an alligator. Those snakes are called pythons and anacondas. Also, there is one snake that can glide through the air to escape its predators by expanding its ribs and becoming wide and flat. This snake is the graceful glider.
How I can use this information? We can use the information we found out in the book to tell which snakes are harmless, which are deadly and which are poisonous. You should always pay attention to snakes warning signs like when snakes make a loud noises, lifts their head up or inflates their body.
Summary This book is about different types of snakes and how they live in their environment. This book is also about how scientists are trying to save the snakes from going extinct. They are becoming extinct because the rain forests are being destroyed, people are afraid of them, and because there is a lot of pollution in rivers and seas.
Recommendation I would recommend this book to nine through twelve year olds who are very interested in snakes and want to learn about new snakes and how they live in their environments. This book is interesting for people who want to learn how scientist study snakes and to learn how to keep snakes from going extinct.