Bamboozle To take in by elaborate methods of deceit; hoodwinked.
Conspicuous- adj. Easy to notice; obvious.
Limpid- adj. Clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air.
Din(2)-n. A jumble of loud, discordant sounds.(2) to stun with deafening noise.
Perplexed - adj. Filled with confusion or bewildered; puzzled.
Bewilderment – n. The condition of being confused.
Discombobulate – tr. v. To throw into confusion
Muddle (3) – v. To mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble. 2. to cause to become mentally confused. 3. to cause to become confused or stupid with as if an intoxicating drink.
Clarity Clearness of appearance.