Scary s
Before We Get Started Please turn your cell phones to stun. Restrooms are down the hall and on the right We’ll take a 5 minute break around 11:00 a.m. If you have questions about your own computer, please save those questions until the end.
Before We Get Started We need to turn the room around, when the seminar is over, for another church event. If anyone can stay and help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Scary s
Summary 1)Always use BCC: (Blind Carbon Copy) when sending an to people who don’t know each other. 2)Delete lists of addresses when you forward an . (Remember, you need to click “Forward” before you can delete the addresses.)
Clue Addressed to the wrong name.
Clues 1)Addressed to the wrong name. 2)Attachment with little or no message in the .
Clues 1)Greeting Card sites don’t send attachments. 2)Misspelled words.
Clues 1)Microsoft doesn’t send update notices via . 2) tries to use scare tactics to get you to take some action.
Clues 1)Addressed to “Customer” instead of actual name. 2)Wants you to click in the to some link.
Clue Demo
Clues 1)Attachments with NO message 2)From an address you don’t know.
Shameless Plug October 31, 2010 Trunk or Treat 6:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Church Parking Lot
Next Seminar: Saturday, November 6, :00 a.m.-12 Noon