Love Food Hate Waste is primarily aimed at people who are responsible for shopping and cooking in their homes and who wish to make changes to waste less and save more. However for those partners who have already decided to discuss the issue of food waste with students at secondary school or college or in the community this presentation is available to raise awareness of the issue and offer ways to make a difference
Love Food Hate Waste
Love food!
flour from the USA mozzarella cheese and tomatoes from Italy black pepper from India olives from Greece 1,000 miles 5,000 miles 5,400 miles 1,500 miles Where does our food come from? pineapple from Kenya 4,500 miles
How much food is thrown away by schools in the UK? each year? a.5,770 tonnes b.30,10 tonnes c. 110,000 tonnes d. 8,3000,000 tonnes
How much food is thrown away by schools in the UK? each year? a.5,770 tones b.30,10 tonnes c. 110,000 tonnes d. 8,3000,000 tonnes
How much food and drink is thrown away by UK households each year? a.1.4 million tonnes b.3.2 million tonnes c. 5.7 million tonnes d. 7.2 million tonnes
How much food and drink is thrown away by UK Households each year? a.1.4 million tonnes b. 3.2 million tonnes c. 5.7 million tonnes d. 7.2 million tonnes!
The same as 9 Wembley stadiums filled to the brim!
Why worry about wasting food? a.Hydrogen b. Oxygen c. Methane d. Ammonia
Why worry about wasting food? a.Hydrogen b. Oxygen c. Methane! d. Ammonia
If people in the UK stopped wasting food, the impact would be the equivalent of ….. a.Taking 1 in 10 cars off the road b.Taking 1 in 5 cars off the road c.Taking 1 in 20 cars off the road
If people in the UK stopped wasting food, the impact would be the equivalent of ….. a.Taking 1 in 10 cars off the road b.Taking 1 in 5 cars off the road c.Taking 1 in 20 cars off the road
Have you seen them in your supermarket?
EACH DAY in the UK, we throw away around… 4.1m 1.7m1.4m 5.3m
Free resources for you artwork - posters, banners, adverts, recipe cards… LFHW logos Content for websites, newsletters etc… Monthly campaign calendar for next 18 months… Community toolkit Free resources:
Meet our food lovers!!!!
Five Key behaviours It pays to plan Know your dates Savvy storage Perfect portions Lovely leftovers
What would you make for tea? Leftover pot of pasta from last night Remains of cream in a pot 2 wrinkly tomatoes A few florets of broccoli at the back of the fridge Onion