MAGIC CLUB CW Shipley Elementary Mr. Anders One hopper No Hopper Pop Fly Two Hopper
Objectives of the Magic Club To demonstrate the ability to correctly throw balls of various (different) sizes from various distances. To demonstrate the ability to correctly catch balls of various sizes from various distances. To develop the habit and practice of stepping in opposition whenever throwing a ball over handed. To demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness during all show times.
THE BASIC LEVELS White (Volleyball)White (Volleyball) Red ( 6’’ Playground Ball)Red ( 6’’ Playground Ball) Yellow (Tennis Ball)Yellow (Tennis Ball) Overhead MasterOverhead Master (Volleyball, Red Playground Ball, and Tennis Ball)
THE MOST CHALLENGING LEVELS Semi-Professional (forehands:dominant and opposites) Professional (backhands:dominant and opposites) Double Trouble (2 the same time). Semi-Professional (forehands:dominant and opposites) Professional (backhands:dominant and opposites) Double Trouble (2 the same time).
THE SKILLS One Hopper Two Hopper No Hopper Pop Fly
ONE HOPPER Throw the ball below the blue line on the wall, let the ball bounce one time on the floor, and then catch the ball.
TWO HOPPER Throw the ball below the blue line on the wall, let the ball bounce two times on the floor, and then catch the ball.
NO HOPPER Throw the ball above the blue line on the wall, and catch the ball. Do not let the ball bounce on the floor.
POP FLY Throw the ball at the floor, let the ball hit the wall below the blue line on the wall, and then catch the ball. Floor, Wall, Catch
The Overhead Level contains 3 different levels: White Red Yellow The white level contains the One Hopper and the No Hopper skills. The red level contains the Pop Fly skill. The yellow level contains the No Hopper.
All the skills in the Overhead Master level are performed exactly the same as the other levels except: The ball will hit the wall. Keep your eyes on the ball as it passes over your head. Turn your body so your back is facing the throwing wall. The ball will not bounce.
Overhead Master Rules After the ball leaves the wall it must travel over, not beside or below, your head The eyes must track the ball the whole time. Student must catch the ball palms up. Students cannot not stand and turn their back to the wall but show movement away from the wall.
Rules of Throwing You must use an overhand throw. This means the ball must be thrown over the shoulder. You must throw with only one hand. You must step forward when throwing the ball. Transfer your weight from the back foot to the front foot. When you step to throw, you must use opposition. This means whatever hand you are throwing with, you must step with your opposite foot. For example, if you throw with your right hand, you must step with your left foot. (Left hand throw- right foot step.) You must stay behind the appropriate (correct) color line. Whatever color level you are working on is the color line you must stay behind when throwing the ball. Do not hit the ceiling.
Rules of Catching You must only catch the ball with your hands. The ball cannot touch any other part of your body. You must catch the ball from behind the appropriate (correct) color line. Whatever color level you are working on is the color line you must stay behind when catching the ball. You must catch the ball before the “out of bounds” line (green line).
Character Counts !! Please be Trustworthy.
7 steps to an overhand throw:
1. Side to the target Right handed face South wall. Left handed face North wall. Feet together no further than shoulder width apart!!!
2. Non-throwing hand pointed at the target for accuracy (the wall).
3. Throw the ball from behind your ear.
4. Step on the opposite foot (foot closest to the east wall) of your throwing hand you are using.
5. Turn your hips/waist. This is when you transfer your weight. 6. Throw the ball.
5. Throw the ball. 7. Follow through: If right handed, your right hand will hit your left thigh/quad/femur, and if left handed, your left hand will hit your right thigh/quad/femur.
Swing your dominate foot forward so your facing the throwing wall.
Catch the ball Below the waist: pinkies together. Above the waist: thumbs together (make field goal or a triangle).
SHOWTIME/CHECK – OFF/Sticker Time To go to the next skill or level you must get 10 in a row correctly. If not, you are out of that particular show time. We will practice and then have show time after each practice. MYERSVILLE ELEMENTARY
Assessment of student needs I will take a sample section from 1 st, 2 nd,and 3 rd grades. They will have a chance to perform their throwing skills with no instruction while I quickly scan the class and record the amount of students not performing certain elements of the throw correctly.
Element of throw not performed Sample 1 st grade # not performing a skill Sample 2 nd grade # not performing a skill Sample 3 rd grade # not performing a skill Side to target Non-throwing arm pointed at target Hold ball behind ear Step in opposition Turn hips Throw Ball Follow through