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History and Objective Joel Silver proposed a school Frisbee team on a whim in the fall of The following spring, a group of students got together to play what Silver claimed to be the "ultimate game experience," adapting the game from a form of Frisbee football. Jared Kass created the game with a group of friends while at Amherst College. The students who played and codified the rules went to Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ. The game became identified as a counter culture activity. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end-zone. The outcome of a match is usually determined by one team achieving a predetermined number of points first. This ensures that a team can only win by scoring, rather than by running the clock down.
Playing Field: Outdoors
Rules – there are no referees in Ultimate Frisbee, all players call infractions on themselves and team mates in what is call the spirit of the gamespirit of the game Regulation ultimate is played between two teams of seven players. In informal "pick- up" games, the number of players varies. Substitutions are allowed between points and teams are usually able to have around 20 players on their roster in a major tournament. To start play the players line up at the edge of their respective end zones, and the defensive team throws, or pulls, the disc to the offensive team to begin play. Pulls, are the first throws in a game. The game is played using a 175–gram disc The disc may be moved in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. A player catching the disc must stop after a few steps to run out their momentum, and can only move their non-pivot foot. Upon receiving the disc, a player has ten seconds to pass it. The defender is not allowed to stand closer than three ft. of the thrower and while defending counts out the ten seconds the thrower has by counting Stall one, Stall two, etc to stall ten.
Rules Continued… An incomplete pass results in a change of possession. When this happens the defense immediately becomes the offense and gains possession of the disc where it comes to a stop on the field of play, or where it first traveled out of bounds. Reasons for turnovers: Throw-away – The thrower misses his target and the disc falls to the ground. Drops – The receiver is not able to catch the disc. Blocks – A defender deflects the disc in mid flight, causing it to hit the ground. Interceptions – A defender catches a disc thrown by the offense. Out of Bounds – The disc lands out of bounds, hits an object out of bounds or is caught by a player who lands or leaps from outside the playing field. Stalls – A player on offense does not release the disc before the defender has counted out ten seconds.
Rules Continued… Play may stop in a game for the following reasons: 1. Foul: A foul is the result of contact between players 2. Violation: A violation occurs when a player violates the rules but does not initiate physical contact 3. Time outs and half-time: Each team is allowed two time outs per half 4. Injuries: Play stops whenever a player is injured
Strategies of the game Offensive strategies: 1. One of the most common offensive strategies is the vertical stack. In this strategy, the offense lines up in a straight line along the length of the field. From this position, players in the stack make cuts towards or away from the handler in an attempt to get open and receive the disc. 2. Another popular offensive strategy is the horizontal stack. In the most popular form of this offense, three handlers line up across the width of the field with four cutters up field, also lined up across the field. It is the handler's job to throw the disc up field to the cutters. Defensive Strategies: 1. The simplest and often most effective defensive strategy is the one-on-one defense (also known as man-on-man or just man), where each defender guards a specific offensive player. 2. Zone defense strategy, the defenders cover an area rather than a specific person. The area they cover moves with the disc as it progresses down the field
Lets take a look at the throws Backhand wrist flip Chickenwing two finger side arm More advanced throws Overhead – hammer thumber
Important Vocabulary BBid: an attempt to catch or block the disc, usually a layout or sky. BBreak: A break-point is when the team starting on defense causes a turnover and scores. CCherry Picker: Someone who stands near the end zone in hopes of always scoring. DD: Refers to a defensive play resulting in a turnover (either a deflection or an interception) DDumping: throw to a person in the dump position (usually an offensive player close beside or behind), used for resetting the stall count to prevent a Turnover or to strategically move the disc laterally across the field. FFoot Block: Blocking the throw or deflecting it with your foot. HHandler: Either the person currently with the disc or players designated to "usually" have the disc. LLayout: A dive to catch the disc. SSwing: A throw from one side of the field to the other. SStall: Taking to long to throw, a Stall is called only when a defender marking the thrower finishes the stall count TTurn: Short for turnover. UUp: Yelled by the defense when the disc is thrown by the offense to alert the other defensive players. PPick: running past another player to use them to rub off your defender, legal in Basketball but Illegal in Ultimate frisbee
Work Cited History-Rules-Equipment: story_game1_en.html story_game1_en.html Pictures: