Base Running Awards
Definition Rule 2 section 2 page 15 Award is the right to advance without a play being made that is awarded. When bases are awarded it is the responsibility of the runner to legally touch those bases.
Base running Awards Most of your awards are the result of the ball going out of play. Hit Thrown Carried Or prevented
Base Running Awards The pre game Meeting in baseball is paramount. This is where the ground rules and out of play are established. Ground rules cannot supersede a book rule. We cannot have an automatic triple for hitting the ball on the garage roof in left field. (Penn Wood JV Years ago)
Ground Rules Samples Page 39 Casebook ball hit 500 feet rolls under fence. New fields should be at least 300 feet down the lines and 350 to Center. Page 6 section 2 article 5 Rule Book page 31 section1 article 2 a. foul poles at least 210 feet past first and third Plus 90 feet (about 300 ft)
Terminology TOT: Time of the Throw TOP: Time of the Pitch TOI: Time of Infraction Illegal mitt
Time of the Throw when fielder releases Ball
Time of the Pitch rule 2 –28 page 20 when the pitcher has committed himself to delivering the pitch to the batter.
Time of the Pitch Windup 1. first starts any movement of his arm(s) or leg(s) after stepping onto the pitcher plate with his hands already together in front of his body. 2. With both hands at his side first starts any movement with both arms or legs prior to the pitch 3. with either hand in front of the body and the hand at his side, after bringing his hands together, first starts any movement of his arms and legs prior to the pitch.
Time of the Pitch Stretch the instant after the pitcher, after coming to a complete and discernible stop, starts any movement with arms and or leg that commits him to pitch
Illegal Glove Illegal glove page 9 casebook Tacky pine tar near pocket White or gray glove worn by pitcher no penalty as illegal glove Just remove from game. Page Glove Rule Book page 12 diagram legal glove Glove height 14 width 8 webbing 5 3/4 quarters
4 Bases 1. Fair ball over fence in fair play. 2. Fair ball hits foul pole above fence in flight 3. Fair ball prevented by spectator from going over the fence. 4. Fair ball prevented from going over the fence due to detached player equipment or illegal glove or Mitt.
3 Bases Fair ball contacted with detached player equipment or illegal mitt or glove Awards are Time of Infraction Intentionally touching batted ball* with detached player equipment. Delayed dead ball three bases. If runner should get thrown out at home he is on his own. (Time of infraction before batter touched first)
3 Bases If runner fails to make 3 bases he will be awarded 3 bases after the play. If he gets thrown at 2nd base after the play is over time is called ( he will be awarded 3rd). any preceding runner is also given 3 bases. Any preceding runner thrown out before obtaining three bases will be awarded three bases
One Base – Batter (all Time of Pitch) 1. Walk 2. Pitch thrown out of play on Ball Four 3. Batter is obstructed 4. Hit by Pitch 5. Runner interference (unintentional) ground ball hits runner 6. Umpire interference hit by batted ball. 7. Pitch lodges in defensive player equipment or umpire equipment on ball four
One Base – Runner 1.Balk (infraction) 2. Pitch from pitcher’s plate thrown out of play. (pitch) 3. Throw from pitcher’s plate goes out of play. (throw) 4. Unintentional catch and carry (pitch) 5. Catcher’s obstruction if attempting to advance (pitch) 6. Forced (because batter is awarded 1 st base) (pitch) 7. Pitch strikes runner (pitch)
Two Bases Batter and Runner 1. Fair ball bounces over through goes under lodges in or under fence. (pitch) 2. Fair or batted ball lodges in defensive player’s or umpire uniform or equipment. (pitch) 3. Live thrown ball or pitch touched by illegal glove (infraction) 4. Live thrown ball or pitch touched by defensive’s player equipment which is thrown, tossed, kicked or held by fielder. (infraction)
Two Bases Batter and Runner – cont. 5. first throw by infielder and ball goes out of play or lodges in fence or under fence (pitch) 6. any subsequent play by the infielder or for any throw by an outfielder and the ball goes out of play or lodges in or under fence. (throw) 7. Intentional catch and carry (runners only) (pitch)
2 Base Award First play of infield: time of pitch Runner on 2 nd nobody out. Batter hits pop-up to infield. Third baseman drops ball in fair territory. Runner takes wide turn at first. Third baseman throws to first. Ball enters dugout. R2 scores, Batter gets 2 nd since R2 had not advanced one base award at the time of the first play of the infield.
2 Base Award If batter-runner has reached first, and all other runners have advanced one base, and first-play-by-infield throw is then made which goes out of play, batter and runners are awarded 2 bases from time of throw. Any play by outfield: time of throw
Umpire Judgement Spectator interference Runners obstruction Defensive Malicious Contact
Base on Balls Page 84 Casebook rule Situation C With two outs bases loaded batter receives ball four. R3 touches 2 Nd and is tagged off base for the third out before R3 touches home base. R1 was entitled to home base as soon as the fourth ball was declared. Consequently his run scores.
Ball lodges in offensive player shirt Page 74 casebook rule Situation B Batter hits single is then caught in run down between first and second. Ball lodges in batter-runner’s shirt while he is heading toward first or heading toward 2 nd.
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