Bell Ringer Where are volcanoes found?. I can describe different types of volcanoes.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer Where are volcanoes found?

I can describe different types of volcanoes.

Volcanoes form on –Land –Ocean

Where are most volcanoes located?

Ring of Fire

What is an eruption?

An eruption is an outpouring of of melted rock, ash, gases, or a combination of these.

How are lava and magma different?

Magma is inside the Earth, Once magma reaches Earth’s surface, then it is called lava. (263)

What types of volcanoes are there? How are they different?

Shield –Built by Thinner, fluid lava that spreads over a large area. The mountains have abroad base and gentle sloping sides. Look at the picture

Shield volcano

Cinder cone volcano— –Thick lava –Thrown high into the air and falls as chunks or cinders. –Form a cone shape Narrow base Steep sides Look at the picture

Cinder cone volcano

Composite volcano –Built by layers of ash and cinders sandwiched between layers of hardened lava –Shape on side of a cone looks the same as the other.

Composite volcano

Recap--- I forgot you tell me….

Homework Quick check questions (yes both of them) Page 246, 253,255, and 256 Also, Art Link at the bottom of 257