Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Free Powerpoint Templates Best Management Practices- Communication Is Key By: Chris Hannon Tim Logue
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 What is a Best Management Practice? Best Management Practice (BMP) –A method that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means i.e. reducing injuries and at risk behaviors –In addition, A best practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. –“Best practice” is used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple org can use.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Various BMPs Machine Guarding Assessments PPE Assessments Hazard Identification Programs Behavior Observations Incentives for Safety Suggestions Health and Safety Fairs and Exhibits
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Definition of Communication Verbal Communication- When we communicate our message verbally to whomever is receiving. Non-Verbal Communication- The process of communication through sending and receiving messages. Regardless of the practices: Communication is the Key to success.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Scenario #1 Building Safety Attitudes Upon seeing Joe who is constantly complaining about too many safety rules, you spot him in a minor safety infraction that would not be of any immediate consequence.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Scenario #1 - Joe You know to approach him would result in a long discussion about several issues concerning safety. In addition, Joe is working with a new hire. You want to set the right tone for a new employee concerning safety without all the negative input from Joe.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 7 HOW WILL YOU PROCEED? Scenario #1 - Joe
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 What will positive communication do? How do we proceed? 1.Grab the bull by the horns and confront Joe and deal with the fall out later. 2.Take the new hire aside and tell him that is not the way we do things. 3.In the next few moments, discuss with your group and give us your feed back.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9 What will negative communication do? The main issue is Joe’s attitude towards the safety initiatives of the plant If it continues it will effect those that are around him and the culture will suffer Take Joe aside and state the issue, and your feelings towards it
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Negative Communication, Cont’d Discuss what is at stake for the entire team if things remain the same. Get to root of Joe’s negative feelings towards safety Seek a resolution to the problem to change Joe’s attitude – it will make an impact on the culture.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 11 Scenario #2 Brother’s Keeper Trends have shown that the use of arm guards have decreased the amount of first aid injuries. Knowing that, you walk up on an employee who is not wearing them. How do you proceed?
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 12 What will positive communication do? Show your concerns by asking them if they realized that an important step in the process was missed. Tell them you are concerned for their well being and that you would appreciate it if they put the arm guards on.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 13 What will negative communication do? Express to the employee that you are sick and tired of people not following the rules. Give them the “get your arm guards on or get out” attitude.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Scenario #3 Keeping Your Programs Positive Your company just started an incentive to encourage safety suggestions. One of your employees comes up with a great idea that would eliminate a hazard, but you feel it will be cost prohibitive and hard to sell to management. There have been 2 near misses on this equipment in the past. How will you proceed, knowing that it will take time to get answers to a project like this.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 15 Group Discussion Take the next 2-3 minutes to discuss how you might handle this situation.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 16 What will positive communication do? With positive communication, you are more likely to have a positive response and a positive attitude moving forward with this employee. Letting them know their ideas are important Telling them that you will look into their suggestion –This is a positive approach. –If it is decided that the idea cannot be acted on, inform the employee of the decision and the reason why it is not feasible.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 17 What will negative communication do? Negative communication will only cause hurt feelings and loss of trust in you and other management. Telling them they are silly for even presenting the idea will lead to a closed mouth down the road. They will be reluctant to give their input.
Scenario #4 Maintaining Safety Culture Your supervisor has just received a rush order from a customer It must go out as soon as possible. He’s thrown every available employee at the task to try to meet the deadline. –However, 3 of the employees have never been trained or read the JSA on the equipment they will be exposed to. How will you proceed? This will be your homework…
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 19 What will positive communication do? You are sending a message to your employees that safety is ingrained in every job. Enhance the safety culture by addressing the issue and not letting it slide due to the demands of production.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 20 What will negative communication do? Ignoring the situation will send a message that safety is only important when it’s convenient.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 21 The “They” Theory A term used by all levels of an organization which helps convey a decision that has been made in which the story teller can introduce a new policy, procedure, or change. Heavy use of this term will create an “us and them” culture.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 22 The “They” Theory Negative Communication No communication = negative communication. Ignoring a safety issue. Not seeking input. Heavy use of the “They” theory.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 23 The “We” Theory Positive Communication Have those “fierce” conversations within your facility. Address safety issues as they arise – not down the road. Schedule face time on the floor to seek employee input. Use the “We” theory.
Homework - Scenario #4 Maintaining Safety Culture Your supervisor has just received a rush order from a customer It must go out as soon as possible. He’s thrown every available employee at the task to try to meet the deadline. –However, 3 of the employees have never been trained or read the JSA on the equipment they will be exposed to. How will you proceed? Where is your bottleneck? Talk about your own processes
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 25 THANK YOU! Don’t forget to turn in your homework –