Dodgeball by Katarzyna Walczyk
Definition of Dodgeball Dodgeball is a game in which players try to hit other players with balls and avoid being hit. This game is mainly played by children.
Players Rules dictate both a minimum number of players needed to start the game and a maximum number of players allowed on the court during the game. The maximum number of players is typically the same as the number starting the game. There is usually no limit on the amount of players allowed in a team/game; the person/people organising the game choose the amount. After a player is eliminated, he/she may re-enter the match if another player on his/her team catches an opponent's thrown ball on the full (provided his/her team does not already have the maximum amount of players on the court). In some versions of dodgeball, where the game is played on a basketball court, if a successful half-court shot is made by throwing the ball into the opponent's basket or into the backboard, everybody gets resurrected from the thrower's team. Players must re-enter the game in the order in which they were eliminated.
Uniforms The uniforms for playing dodgeball are usually physical education uniforms, short T-shirts and shorts. There is no fixed uniform. The players usually play in whatever clothing that they are wearing although they usually play in the clothing mentioned above.
Eguipment One to ten dodgeballs can be used in a game. Exceptions are usually made if a court is particularly small or if many people participate. There is no standard worldwide measurement or material for a dodgeball. However, most dodgeballs are roughly the size of a volleyball and composed of foam with a thin plastic shell. Some dodgeballs are made of rubber. Some leagues allow the use of multiple sizes of dodgeballs in a single match (often with restrictions on whether men or women can throw certain sizes), while others use one standard size for all balls.
Game Rules First, divide players into two teams. Agree on and mark out the edges of the area in which you are going to play and mark a line down the middle. One team stands on one side of the line, the other team on the other side. One person on one team starts with the ball and must try and throw the ball to hit a player in another team. After the ball is thrown, the person who gets it carries on the game by throwing and trying to hit another player. If a player is hit by the ball, they are out. If a player catches the ball, the thrower is out. If a player steps over the middle line into the other half of the team or over the boundaries, they are out. If the ball bounces before hitting someone or being caught, no one is out. You must not throw the ball at a player’s head or throw it too hard.
Dodgeball - at a glance Number of players - any, but even. Pitch - a rectangle with dimensions 6-10 x 1912 to 1920 steps, carefully scratched or designated, divided into two equal parts. Equipment - brass ball, ribbon in two colors and six flags to determine the pitch. The duration of the game - 2 x 15 minutes with an interval of 5 minutes or more at the discretion of the teacher. Target game – „to knock” their opponents off the court.
1. In other words, the team captain. 2. An area where certain ball games are played. 3. During the game you have to be careful not to.. any part of the body. 4. You must use it every day to be able to play better. 5. A person who has great skills at a particular sport. 6. The person who sits on the bench. 7. A group of people who play a game together against another group. 8. People who play a game. 9. A round object that one throws in a game.
LEADER COURT DAMAGE T RAINING MASTER SUBSTITUTE TEAM PLAYERS BALL 1. In other words, the team captain. 2. An area where certain ball games are played. 3. During the game you have to be careful not to.. any part of the body. 4. You must use it every day to be able to play better. 5. A person who has great skills at a particular sport. 6. The person who sits on the bench. 7. A group of people who play a game together against another group. 8. People who play a game. 9. A round object that one throws in a game.
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