The Cheese Slice By Blake Wilson
One stormy night there was a family eating dinner. The cheese slice was still in the fridge wanting to be eaten so very badly. The slice was at the very back of the refrigerator so the family never remembered he was there. I wonder were the cheese went? You might have thrown it away. Can you Find cheese Slice?
So the family went on without the cheese slice. It’s just a cheese slice anyway. You are right. Click to Open fridge!
That very night the fridge was left open so the cheese slice escaped the fridge. Zzzz!
The cheese slice slipped under the door and to find himself outside. Yes!
The slice went around the street which took him days. When we came back to the house he didn’t know it was his house but he didn’t care.
He slipped under the door again, he went into the same fridge, on the same shelf, but in the front of the shelf.
So that night the cheese slice was eaten!... YEAH