Steve Petch Sunday 18 th January 2015 Fresh Faith, New Adventures Part 2: Off To Work We Go.


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Presentation transcript:

Steve Petch Sunday 18 th January 2015 Fresh Faith, New Adventures Part 2: Off To Work We Go

Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.” Matt 5v13

Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go “You are the salt of the earth” Salt gives flavour Salt preserves Salt makes people thirsty

Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go WORK: Your job or career Volunteering Studying ‘Stay at home’ parenting

What is the most annoying/difficult thing about your job? Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

What do you like most about your job? Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

Which of these most closely reflects the reason you do the specific job you do: A.I had /have a clear sense of calling B.I wanted to do it C.I fell into it by chance D.I had/have no real choice Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

Which of these most closely reflects your enjoyment level in your job: A.I love my job B.I often enjoy my job C.I tolerate my job D.I loathe my job Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

What is (or should be) your number one work related prayer request at the moment? Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

Some interesting facts about work … Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Don’t work for ‘identity’ Don’t work for ‘worth’ Don’t work for ‘security’ Your work is not meant to be your top priority

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work because God created you to work

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work to provide

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work to give

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work as a calling

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work to witness

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work for the kingdom

A Biblical perspective on work: Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go Work for Jesus

What is your number one work related prayer request at the moment? Fresh Faith, New Adventures: Off To Work We Go

Steve Petch Sunday 18 th January 2015 Fresh Faith, New Adventures Part 2: Off To Work We Go