Comenius Multi-Lateral Partnership Good Food Good Mood Partner Meeting 4 Hamburg, Germany England : The Highfield School, Letchworth & Marriotts School Stevenage Germany: Gymasium Finkenwerder, Hamburg Italy : IPSIA Carlo Cattaneo, Rome Netherlands :Stedtedelijkollege, Eindhoven Poland : Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Ogólnokształcących Przemsyl Romania: Colegiul National ‘Cuza I Al’ Ploiesti Romania Scotland: Edinburgh College Edinburgh Spain: Instituto de Educaction Secundaria Abyla Ceuta Sweden: Insjons Skola Insjon Leksand Switzerland:Schulheim Schloss Kasteln Switzerland
Activities linked to the project’s aims Healthy food choices, including local food sourcing : Aim : To understand the Healthy Eating Pyramid and food myths Objective : To be able to classify food into groups and plan varied meals To be able to investigate food myths and give advice To be able to plan healthy meals on a student budget To learn how to ‘recycle’ food ! 2Cuisine & quality of life, including food choices, and what we can learn from our European partners Aim : To investigate Freeganism in Europe Objective : To compare & contrast the experiences and narrative of Freegans in England and Europe 3Employment & industry within the food chain in Europe Aim : To identify work opportunities, including self-employment, in the food chain Objective : To work with Hertfordshire Young Enterprise to design a product linked to food safety and economy : The Robot Fridge ! 4Informal Mobilities 2013
Visit to Germany by English students June 2013 German Exchange : School website article by Britta Radenhausen, Teacher at Marriotts School Stevenage: Our German Exchange is in its second year and we have just come back from visiting our German partner school, the "Gymnasium Finkenwerder" in Hamburg.13 students from year 9 went. Every student was given an exchange partner, whose family became his/her guest family for the time of our stay. As last year, we were met with fantastic hospitality from the school as well as the guest families. We were greeted with a welcoming party, where the students had a chance to have a chat and some food from a buffet the German parents had prepared for us. Our students started talking to their German partners straight away and before the end of the evening they already felt a lot more at ease. Over the course of the following week, our students spent some time in school with their German partners, experiencing the daily routine of a German school. But it was not all about school – altogether, we went climbing and swimming and visited a lovely medieval town nearby. The experiences our students made on this trip are manifold. Not only did they learn about German school and try out their German, they also made friends and socialised with people from a different country, lived in their houses and got an impression of what life is like in other places. They overcame their apprehension and decided to come along. They have learned that it can be very rewarding to take risks. They have acquired new life skills. One A-level student and two year 10 students came with us for work experience in Germany. We are very proud to be able to give a small group of linguists the chance to experience work in Germany. Our students did a great job of teaching small groups of German student’s English conversation. They all enjoyed the experience a lot and will be given a certificate, stating that they have experienced work abroad.
September 2013 – March /9 :European Day of languages : all Yeargroups Sep 2014 :German students to Stevenage : All Yeargroups 1 – 18/10 :Science Module : Food Groups : Year 8 18/10 :School Assembly on Healthy Eating & Food Myths : All Yeargroups Oct 2013 :GFGM visit to Sweden : Year 12 Nov 2013 :Food recycling recipies project : Year 10 Dec 2013 :Christmas around the world celebration : All Yeargroups Dec 2013 :Freegan experiment carried out : International Leaders Dec 2013 :Netherlands students to Hertfordshire : Christmas party Jan 2014 :‘Best Before’ Business Studies idea for Young Enterprise Jan 2014 :Visit of Swiss partner to Hertfordshire : International Leaders Feb 2014 :Freeganism research presented to whole School Assembly Mar 2014 :University cuisine / recycled food project : Years 12 & 13
Christmas food from around the world
Christmas party with visitors from Eindhoven
Welcome to our Swiss partner : We were delighted to host the visit of our Swiss partner Marianne Herzog The International Leaders showed her around our School
The Freegan Movement Freeganism started in the mid 1990’s, out of the antiglobalization and environmentalist movements. Freeganism is an anti-consumerist movement. Freegans have essentially an ethic motivation but also an economic motivation. They want to turn the back to the dominant system and to the waste of food. They are anti-capitalist.
Results of our vote : Would you eat food which is past its ‘Sell by’ date ? Year 9 Feb /154No=49 % * * If it had been thrown away by the shop 17/154Yes=11 % 62/154Possibly=40 % ** ** If it looks and smells OK, and has not been in a bin
Hosting students from Germany in England, September students stayed with families in Stevenage for one week 14 – 21 st September They spent time at School, and visited Cambridge & London
Plans for Penfriends for students of Spanish with Ceuta : focus on Spanish language skills Videoconference with Netherlands in March 2014 : focus on Science Fair activities Health & Social Care student visit to Community Midwifery Unit, Bedford April 2014 : focus on community languages and health provision planning Focus on dissemination of GFGM project : press & radio interviews Partners’ Meeting in Hamburg April 2014 Final Report to be submitted by
Good Food Good Mood !