Matthew 24:1-2 24:1 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. 2 But he answered them, “You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” Futurist Preterist
“An eschatological viewpoint that places many or all eschatological events in the past, especially during the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70” R. C. Sproul The Last Days According to Jesus, p. 228
Apostolic ChurchPost – Apostolic Church Approx 30 AD Approx 100 AD Approx 450 AD AD (1688 in England PRESENT Transition PointsMAJOR CHANGE Early Church Medieval Church Reform ation
APOSTOLIC FATHERS(95-140) “To Edify Christians” APOLOGISTS( ) “To Defend Christianity” POLEMICISTS(190—250 ) “To Fight False Doctrine” PATRISTIC Latin pater“father”
Writings of the Apostolic Fathers
Writings of the Apostolic Father 1. CLEMENT OF ROMEThe Epistle to the Corinthians “…the oldest and best among sub-apostolic writings both in form and substance”Schaff, Vol. 2, p IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCHE Unity of the local church 7 Epistles Smyrna Ephesians Magnesians Trallians Romans Troas Philadelphians Smyrneans To Polycarp Unity of one bishop (presbyter) in charge of each ‘church’ presiding over the elders in the churches
3.POLYCARP Epistle to Philippi “... remembered vividly his mode of life and personal appearance, his discourses to the people, and his communications respecting the teaching and miracles of the Lord, as he had received them from the mouth of John and other eye- witnesses, in agreement with the Holy Scriptures” Iraneus as quoted by Schaff, V. 2, p.665
4. DIDACHE “It is very simple in its approach” and “reflects a primitive (pre-episcopal) era in church government” Waldron, p. 65 Contrasts Way of Life with Way of Death Discusses church practices 5. Epistle to Diognetus “The epistle of Diognetus comes closer…to a real understanding of the Pauline doctrine of grace than any document I have yet read prior to Saint Augustine”Dr. Calhoun
6. The Octavius by Minucius Felix 7. Epistle of Barnabas 8. Shepard of Hermes Alexandria ca How to assess these writings? 1. “Cliff phenomenon” 2.Appreciation Schaff V. II, pg
Writings of the Apologists ( ) Justin Martyr Personal testimony The Old Testament predicted the coming of Christ Tertullian A Dialogue with Trypho APOLGIES AGAINST HERESIES CHRISTIAN VIRTUES