NAZI PARTY Nazi Party=National Socialist German Workers’ Party Hitler & Nazis try to overthrow German gov’t in 1923 Fails, is arrested, thrown in jail (serves 1 yr) Writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Goals 1. Rebuild military & overturn Treaty of Versailles 2. Germans are “master race” 3. lebensraum: Germany is too crowded & need more “living space” (empire)
Hitler’s Promises Hitler makes promises to important groups to gain popularity Farmers: raise prices on produce to recover losses during depression Middle class: get rid of communists, help businesses & profits Unemployed: jobs (public works like roads)
How did he take power? Through Nazi Party 1932 he is made Chancellor of Germany President and other leaders think they can control Hitler & use his popularity for their own purposes Takes power legally Once in office, he calls for new elections Burns Reichstag (parliament building) & blames Communists (smart!) Nazi’s win by slim majority CREATES TOTALITARIAN STATE & HAS ABSOLUTE POWER!!!
Style of Leadership Dictator/totalitarian state SS (Schutzstaffel) Hitler’s police squad arrests any opposition Bans all political parties but Nazi Party Censorship, propaganda, book burning Churches forbidden to criticize Nazis or gov’t Establishes Hitler Youth Gov’t encourages/organizes anti-semitism
How did he handle the economic crises? Banned all labor strikes Dissolved labor unions Gov’t has authority over business & labor Put people back to work Unemployment dropped from 6 million to 1.5 million in 1936 Built factories, highways, weapons, & military