Supervisor Orientation for Student Employment 2010 – 2011 Academic Year Office of Student Employment Utica College Fall 2010
Completed paperwork must be on file in the Office of Student Employment. Please notify us if their contact info (cell phone) has changed. 1.I-9 form ( we need to see ORIGINAL IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ) 2.Federal and State Tax forms 3.Direct Deposit form (STRONGLY recommended!) 4.Online Confidentiality Form (must be completed EACH academic year) 5.Application for first time employees International students must present additional paperwork authorizing them for work in the United States BEFORE YOUR STUDENT BEGINS WORK Fall 2010
A Notice of Employment (NOE) (generated by SE) This will be ed to you and your student employee. They must follow the link for the student orientation. Please save a copy in a folder in your computer. Timesheets will now be completed online. Please contact SE if you have any questions at all about this process or Caren Summers PLEASE NOTE: In order to accommodate more students, we must limit students to ONE job at a time. Fall 2010
Important !! Disciplinary ◦ Any instance of fraudulent timesheets will result in immediate termination. ◦ (3) written warnings may be required before a student can be terminated for inappropriate behavior other than fraud. Fall 2010
It is the intent of Utica College to protect all employees and students from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of Sexual harassment of student workers by employers is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Fall 2010
Manage Your Student Worker Hours Student employees are NOT permitted to work once they have exceeded their fund allotment. We will provide you with bi-weekly earnings reports to help you track their awards. Fall 2010
Webtime is date driven. Timesheets must be submitted and approved before the cutoff dates. Only the current pay period can be accessed for editing, but past timesheets can be viewed. If your student has not submitted their timesheet for approval by entering their Bannerweb log on after clicking “submit”, you WILL NOT be able to view it. If you do not see a timesheet, ask the student if they submitted it correctly. Fall 2010
LATE TIMESHEETS Will be held until the following pay cycle. To be sure your employees are paid on time….be sure to approve their submitted timesheets by the deadline. There will be no checks cut in between payroll cycles. Fall 2010
Variations in work schedules for academic holidays & exam periods Safety and health practices Student’s responsibility for College facilities & equipment Performance standards (make your expectations clear) Procedure for tracking hours About webtime entry Share with your employees: Fall 2010
Confidentiality of files System access & security procedures Training in skills needed to perform job Appropriate dress in the workplace Supervisory personnel ◦ Who is the student’s supervisor? ◦ Who is the alternate supervisor? ◦ To whom should the student direct problems & questions? ◦ Who should be contacted if there is a change in schedule? Fall 2010
Scheduling Since the student worker’s primary job is to succeed academically as a Utica College student, we recommend that you limit scheduling excessive hours during the academic semester. Remember: Once funds are depleted THE STUDENT MUST STOP WORKING. Follow the recommended weekly guideline on the Notice of Employment Federal regulations require that the amount of work study money a student earns be monitored and cannot exceed his/her approved need. Similarly, payroll earnings must be monitored. Fall 2010
Timesheets Student payroll is processed every 2 weeks. Click here for pay schedule PAY%20SCHEDULE%202010%20FOR%20WEB.pdf PAY%20SCHEDULE%202010%20FOR%20WEB.pdf Students will record time in and out on their timesheet and must show a 30 minute unpaid break if they work over 6 hours. Please have them enter time in increments of 15 minutes. Paper checks will be delivered to your department office for distribution on payday. If unclaimed after 2 weeks you must send them via campus mail to the Office of General Accounting. Do not hold them!! Fall 2010
We thank you for your cooperation in making the Student Employment program of Utica College a success. Contact us if you need us. Thank-You Becky Caren Fall 2010