-In pairs discuss which one you prefer. Write down the reasons for your decision on your mini whiteboard.
A decision making exercise
1. Highlight the statements according to whether you think they are: -For buying an artificial tree -Against buying an artificial tree -For buying a real tree -Against buying a real tree 2.Don’t forget to include a key! You can talk about this in pairs to help. The carbon footprint of an artificial Christmas tree is ten times that of a real Christmas tree. This means you have to use an artificial tree ten years in a row to have any environmental benefit.
Task: Write a letter to your parents/carers explaining whether they should buy a real or artificial Christmas tree.
LevelLearning OutcomesLiteracy Outcomes Level 3-4 -You produce a simple, one sided argument -A basic decision is made and you include a reason. -Spell common words, including key geographical vocabulary correctly. -Write in full sentences, using capital letters and full stops. -Present ideas which follow a logical structure, with a clear beginning and end. Level 5-6 -Balanced arguments given for each option -Your argument includes evidence i.e. Facts and figures -Final decision present -You justify your choice i.e. give valid reasons for your decision -Appropriately structured and arguments can be followed with ease. Use of paragraphs. -Spell a variety of words, including key geographical vocabulary. -Use punctuation accurately including question marks and commas. Level 7-8-Detailed arguments given for each option -Final decision present, detailed justification -A clear understanding of sustainability throughout the writing -Likely to have completed additional research beyond the resources provided -Well structured argument with a good introduction and conclusion. There is use of topic sentences and links between paragraphs. -Spelling is correct, including ambitious and uncommon words -Punctuate as above and include colons, semi-colons, brackets, speech marks and commas to mark clauses.
Swap your work and read someone else's letter. On a gift tag you are going to include two stars and a wish for that work i.e. two things that have been done well and one thing that could be improved. Refer to the outcomes for this to help you. Return the work and the gift tag so the person can read their comments. When you have read your own feedback from your friend hang your gift tag on the tree so that I can read them.