“Where do “ I put “quotation” marks?
Read this simple statement. Gertrude blurted Wilma said Heathcliff is in love with me. We can punctuate this four different ways. Each one would have a different meaning.
1.Gertrude blurted, “Wilma said Heathcliff is in love with me.” 2.Gertrude blurted, “Wilma said ‘Heathcliff is in love with me!’” 3.“Gertrude,” blurted Wilma, “said Heathcliff is in love with me. 4.“Gertrude,” blurted Wilma, “said “Heathcliff is in love with me’!”
On the next slides you will have read six rules about using quotation marks. The rules are followed by a right example and a wrong example. Number your paper from 1-6 and write each rule on the top of your paper as you read the slide. After TWO rules have been explained, you will have practice sentences. On the bottom of your paper write the number of the sentence you think is correct. (Use your rules to help you.) Put your paper in the drawer when you are done. I will give it back for you to put in NOTES.
RULE #1 1. USE QUOTATION MARKS WHEN WRITING A SPEAKER’S EXACT WORDS. (WRITE THIS RULE AS #1) RIGHT: “Sometimes I put furry caterpillars on my eyebrows,” declared Hillary. WRONG: Hillary said that “Sometimes she puts furry caterpillars on her eyebrows,” (In your head, can you figure out why this is wrong?)
WRITE THIS AS RULE #2 2. COMMAS AND PERIODS ALWAYS GO INSIDE QUOTATION MARKS. RIGHT: “A duck with udders,” muttered Cubby, “would be utterly ridiculous.” WRONG: “A duck with udders”, muttered Cubby, “would be utterly ridiculous”. What is wrong with this?
RULE #1 Which is correct, number 1 or number 2? 1.Darwin said that “He prefers to play miniature golf.” 2. Darwin said, “I prefer to play miniature golf.” RULE #2 Which is correct, number 3 or number 4? 3. “I collect jellyfish”, said Homer, “after sunset”. 4. “I collect jellyfish,” said Homer, “after sunset.” Answers: 2 and 4
RULE #3 When words interrupt a quote, punctuate the quote like it was not interrupted. Put a comma before and after the interruption interruption RIGHT: “I consider myself very lucky, “ said Sally, “that I have good hair everyday.” WRONG: I consider myself very lucky.“ said Sally. “That I have good hair everyday.” (Why is this wrong?)
RULE #4 If the interruption is between two sentences, use a comma for the first sentence and a period for the second. interruption RIGHT: “A bird dropping landed in my eye,” exclaimed Birdie. “I’m glad that hippos can’t fly.” WRONG: A bird dropping landed in my eye.” exclaimed Birdie, “I’m glad that hippos can’t fly.” Why is this wrong?
RULE #3 Which is correct, number 5 or number 6 5.”How did pioneer women fix their hair,” asked Harry, “without hair dryers?” 6. “How did pioneer women fix their hair”, asked Harry, “without hair dryers”? RULE #4 Which is correct, number 7 or number “I got a part in the school play.” exclaimed Bula, “I’m an olive!” 8. “I got a part in the school play,” exclaimed Bula! “I’m an olive!” Answers: 5 and 8
RULE 5 If a direct quote is many sentences, use only one set of quotation marks. RIGHT: Reggie sputtered, “My favorite is class is art. Yesterday we made potholders from cat fur. Last week we carved figures of insects from spoiled meat.” WRONG: Reggie sputtered, “My favorite is class is art.” “Yesterday we made potholders from cat fur. “ “ Last week we carved figures of insects from spoiled meat.”
RULE 6 If the speaker changes, begin a new paragraph and indent. RIGHT: “I need you to knead the bread,” said Crusty, “because we need a fresh loaf for dinner.” “Hey, I’m no loafer,” complained Fred. “You’ll be toast if you don’t do what I said!” demanded Crusty. WRONG: “I need you to knead the bread,” said Crusty, “because we need a fresh loaf for dinner.” “Hey, I’m no loafer,” complained Fred. “You’ll be toast if you don’t do what I said!” demanded Crusty.
RULE #5 Which is correct, number 9 or number 10? 9.”The reason my bulldog’s face is flat is because he chases parked cars. Yesterday he almost caught one.” 10. “The reason my bulldog’s face is flat is because he chases parked cars.” “Yesterday he almost caught one.” answer: 9
RULE #6 Which is correct, number 11 or number “Sometimes I wish I could be a windshield,” moaned Bugsy. “But you are the best grasshopper I’ve seen,” buzzed the hornet. “Yea, but being road kill is such a dirty job,” answered Bugsy. 12. Sometimes I wish I could be a windshield,” moaned Bugsy. “But you are the best grasshopper I’ve seen,” buzzed the hornet. “Yea, but being road kill is such a dirty job,” answered Bugsy. Answer 12