Should I include this quote? The quote you are using should be relevant and illustrate your point. The quote you are using should not simply tell part of the story. If it’s merely descriptive, don’t use it.
3 Steps Introduce the context of the quote. Punctuate correctly Explain how the quote ties into the claim/thesis When visiting Crooks’ bunkhouse, Lennie inquires why Crooks is unwanted. Crooks exclaims, “’Cause I’m black” (68). Lennie inquires why Crooks is unwanted and Crooks exclaims, “’Cause I’m black (68).
Quote Integration “’Cause I’m black (68). Crooks explains, “’Cause I’m black” (68). “’Cause I’m black,” Crooks explains (68). “’Cause,” Crook explains, “I’m black” (68).
Crooks exclaims, “’Cause I’m black” (68). Do’sDon’t Introduce your quote When you explain a quote your explanation should some how refer back to your claim/thesis. Let a quote stand alone Repeat what the quote says Don’t refer to a quote by saying “this quote shows” Don’t simply move to the next point. If the quote is important enough to be in your essay, it is important enough to be discussed. Don’t narrate your essay. You should avoid saying things like “this quote is included to prove my thesis”