COMP0UND SENTENCES QUIZ #2, Part 4 of 5 Directions: Read the following sentences for meaning. Add the comma and a coordinating conjunction that best expresses the relationship between the two ideas. Use BUT, AND, YET, SO, FOR, and OR. More than one correct answer is possible.
1. Gail will work part-time ______ she will attend college.
1. Gail will work part-time, and she will attend college.
2. The meatballs are cold _______ I refuse to eat them.
2. The meatballs are cold, so I refuse to eat them.
3. Alma got up early _____ she still arrived late.
3. Alma got up early, yet she still arrived late.
4. Karen asked for ketchup _______ the waitress didn’t bring it.
4. Karen asked for ketchup, but the waitress didn’t bring it.
5. Lawrence should answer his phone _____ he should unplug it.
5. Lawrence should answer his phone, or he should unplug it.
For the following exercises, if the compound sentence is punctuated correctly, write C. If not, correct it.
6. Cynthia is leaving and I will go, too.
6. Cynthia is leaving, and I will go, too.
7. Yesterday I drove, however today I rode the train.
7. Yesterday I drove, however today I rode the train. C
8. Jennifer will go to the baseball game, and Bob will go to the movie.
8. Jennifer will go to the baseball game, and Bob will go to the movie. C
9. Dick lived in Atlanta yet he prefers small towns.
9. Dick lived in Atlanta, yet he prefers small towns.
10. Jim worked hard; he was rewarded with a raise.
10. Jim worked hard; he was rewarded with a raise. C
In the section that follows, join these independent ideas with a coordinating conjunction. Punctuate the sentences correctly to make them a compound sentence. Answers will vary…
11. His car stalls at intersections _________ he knows how to start it again.
11. His car stalls at intersections, but he knows how to start it again.
12. We can take a vacation _____ we can use the money to fix the car.
12. We can take a vacation, or we can use the money to fix the car.
13. Sam broke his coffee thermos _____ he bought a new one.
13. Sam broke his coffee thermos, then he bought a new one.
14. The sandwiches look great _____ they need to be kept in the refrigerator.
14. The sandwiches look great, but they need to be kept in the refrigerator.
15. The movie was good ______ the book was better.
15. The movie was good, but the book was better.
16. I aced English _______ I write better reports in all my classes.
16. I aced English, so I write better reports in all my classes.
17. Nick went to Tom’s apartment _____ Tom was gone.
17. Nick went to Tom’s apartment, but Tom was gone.
18. Bert goes to the gym two mornings a week ______ he jogs the other mornings.
18. Bert goes to the gym two mornings a week, but he jogs the other mornings.
19. Kathy doesn’t like building kits _____ nevertheless she sent for a catalog.
19. Kathy doesn’t like building kits; nevertheless, she sent for a catalog.
20. I like to play chess ______ I cannot play tonight.
20. I like to play chess, but I cannot play tonight.