CAP / RCAP Format Improvement
Types of Charts ›Approach Charts ›Cat II and III ›Circling ›Combined IAP ›RNAV ›Helicopter Procedures ›Visual Approach ›Arrival (STAR) ›Departure (SID) ›Aerodrome
CAP Volumes 1.Volume 1 – Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon 2.Volume 2 – British Columbia 3.Volume 3 – Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba 4.Volume 4 – Ontario 5.Volume 5 – Quebec (English) 6.Volume 6 – Quebec (French) 7.Volume 7 – New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland
IAP ›8 sections –Marginalia –Communications box –Approach Summary –Plan View –CDFA table –Profile View –Minima Box –Rate of Descent and Timing Table
Current format ›Noticeable change –Aerodrome box is gone
Marginalia ›Information including: –Procedure Identification –Aerodrome Name –Community Served –Variation –Effective Date –Etc.
Chart Numbering Protocols ›Five levels –Level 1 – Geographical location –Level 2 – Multiple airports in same location –Level 3 – Each procedure will be listed in sequence for each level 2 –Level 4 – When a level 3 procedure has multiple sub levels –Level 5 – Runway numbers starting with the lowest
Comm Box ›Shows communication listed left to right / top to bottom based on priority and sequence –Automated Weather System Block –Arrival System Block –Tower System Block –Ground System Block –Departure System Block
Approach Summary ›Allows the pilot to quickly review the IAP –Safe Altitude –Navigation Type Final –Approach Course Final –Approach Fix Altitude –Landing Distance Available –Lighting If a given approach procedure does not have a specific attribute pertaining to one of the six approach summary blocks, that block shall remain blank.
FAF Altitude
Landing Distance Available Fixed WingRotary Wing
Lighting Diagrams
Plan View ›Plan view is done to scale ›May have operational notes if needed
Minimum Altitudes ›Altitudes in the plan view will either be a –minimum safe altitude or –An operational altitude
CDFA Table ›Distance and altitude can be used to determine recommended vertical path
CDFA Table ›Will not be depicted if: –Descent angle greater than 3.5 degrees –Procedure is a precision approach –A fix crossing altitude is above the glide path or CDFA angle.
Profile View
Minima Box ›Asterisk denotes circling restriction and to refer to the plan view for more info. ›If procedure not authorized the procedure will not be listed
Rate of Descent and Timing ›Provides information of how long from the FAF to the MAP based on G/S. ›If CDFA depicted, it will also provide the rate of descent that corresponds to the charted descent angle
CAT II/III ›Aerodrome Geometric Centre Coordinates are represented on top of page
CAT II/III ›Not to scale box
CAT II/III ›Other land aerodromes depicted
Circling IAP ›Arrival System Block –Identify site name/call name after the agency title if different than the aerodrome
Circling IAP ›Landing Distance Available Box –Circling approaches shall depict the LDA as a note referring to the Aerodrome chart.
Circling IAP ›Lighting Box –ARCAL note shall be depicted if available and a note referring the user to the Aerodrome chart
Circling IAP ›Profile View
Circling IAP ›Remote altimeter setting source
Combined IAP ›Combined IAP’s show all the previous updates and changes
Combined IAP ›The circling diagram will be depicted as close to the actual affected area as possible. The asterisk indicates that you should check the minima box.
Combined IAP ›Circling restriction symbol –An asterisk indicates that there is a circling restriction and to refer to the plan view.
RNAV IAP ›General layout same as previous
RNAV IAP ›General layout same as previous
RNAV IAP ›General layout same as previous
RNAV IAP ›General layout same as previous
Copter IAP ›Each Helicopter procedure now depicted in 1:350,000
Copter IAP ›Provides dimensions of Helipad –Width/length, diameter or UK ›Provides lighting diagram of helipad ›MSA are divided into the four corners ›Asterisk – used to identify a non standard item. It indicates that the pilot should review the CFS
Copter IAP ›MSA are divided into the four corners
Copter IAP ›Other heliport within the defined area meant for reference only. ›White symbol with black text procedure heliport ›Black symbol with white text all other heliports in area
Copter IAP ›Proceed VFR track –Point in space procedure where the pilot may do the missed approach or proceed VFR to the landing site
Copter IAP ›Rate of descent and timing table ›Minima Box
Visual Approach ›“Refer to” note referring to a related IAP
Visual Approach ›Hospital heliport or an area that is meant to be used for helicopter related medical purposes
Visual Approach ›Unlighted Obstacle
Arrival ›Marginalia ›Plan View ›Communications Box
Arrival ›May be depicted in multiple charts –Transition –Arrival
STAR(Transition routes)
STAR(Arrival Routes)
SID ›Marginalia ›Plan View ›Communications Box
SID ›Can be depicted in three parts: –SID Departure Routes –SID Transition Routes –SID Notes
SID Departure routes
SID Transition Routes
Aerodrome ›Used to facilitate ground movement and provides operational information specific to the site
Aerodrome ›Communications box –Divided into four system blocks ›Automated Weather System ›Ground System ›Tower System ›Departure system
Aerodrome ›Lighting –Depicted on every runway threshold