pastime – времяпровождение neighbourhood– район / квартал to depict – отображать housewives- домохозяйки washing powder- стиральный порошок would advise – часто рекламировать would sponsor- нередко финансировали hence the word “soap”- отсюда слово “ мыльные ”(“ оперы ”) exaggeration- сгущение красок affairs – любовные связи / романы at once- одновременно, сразу cast members- актёры it is set- действие фильма происходит it is supposed to represent- он должен показывать
What are favourite pastimes in Great Britain? What films do they watch most of all?
What is the most popular pastime in the UK? What were dramas aimed at? What do British housewives like to watch? What do soap operas represent? What are popular British soap operas?
Dramas were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably doing nothing. Dramas are usually on TV at least four times every week. Soap operas depict ordinary life in the UK. Most soap operas these days are shown in the morning. In the early days of TV, it was traditional for the husband and wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children.
pastime soap operas affairs sell advertise lots of since Russian people are very fond of… There are good programmes on TV today. They have known each other … childhood. This year I’m going to visit England. Travelling is my… Our company will…its new products next week. Mr. Green is trying to… his old car. Yesterday my friend and I saw a film. It was very amusing because it had a lot of affairs.
They are supposed to represent lots of dramatic events, like murders, divorces, affairs, etc. Most soap operas these days are shown in the evening. There are lots of different soaps on in the UK on different channels but there are three main popular ones. Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK. These dramas are often an exaggeration of real life. Sometimes those companies would even sponsor the drama. The same cast members will appear in every show, too.