Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School January 6, 2015
Preliminaries How do you feel after you’ve had a serious argument with someone you love? What images or figures of speech can you think of to describe your feelings? Write down whatever words and phrases come to mind.
Objectives: The students will be able to connect imagery and feelings in poetry. The students will be able to identify imagery and figurative language in poetry. Students will be able to use figurative language.
Focus Lesson: Imagery… Literary Terms Imagery Figurative Language Simile Metaphor Poetry Reading: “Simile” (Elements… p. 479) Small Groups: “Taxi” (Elements… p. 481) What is the simile in the poem? Why is it important?
Focus Lesson: Homework Bring in at least 3 examples of figurative language from your daily lives that depict the emotion of love. You might listen for figurative language in television dialogue, song lyrics, sports newscasts, and magazine and newspaper articles. Due 12/17