Advertising Management Chapter 5
F I G U R E 5. 2 Advertising Design Overview
Advertising Management Program O The process of preparing and integrating a company’s advertising efforts with other integrated marketing communications efforts.
Advertising Planning and Research O General pre-planning input O Product-specific research O Major selling idea O Qualitative research O Focus groups O Interviews O Observation O Value and lifestyle model (VALS)
Steps in Advertising Campaign Management O Conduct and review advertising research O Establish advertising portion of IMC objectives. What does we mean by this? O Review communications budget. O Select media based on target market. O Discuss Creative Strategy with appropriate parties.
Common Advertising Goals O To build brand image. O “Top of mind” O “First choice” O To inform. O To persuade. O To support other marketing communication efforts. O To encourage action. O To change perceptions and images.
In terms of soup, Campbell Soup ranks the highest in “top of mind” as well as “top choice.” As a result of this brand image, they enjoy a 43% market share in the soup industry.
Communications Budget – Manner of Distribution O Continuous schedule O Flighting schedule O Pulsating schedule
The Creative Strategy O Establish objective O Identification of target market/consumer O Create a message theme O Supporting Information O Identify constraints O Need a creative concept, or “big idea” to express that message O Examples: O United Church of Canada – wonder café campaign O O participatory-marketing-from-doritos-crash-the-super-bowl-and- cmo-ann-mukherjee participatory-marketing-from-doritos-crash-the-super-bowl-and- cmo-ann-mukherjee
The Objective An advertisement for Soft Scrub designed to enhance the brand’s image.
The Objective An advertisement for Bic designed to enhance the brand’s image.
The Message Theme O “Left brain” advertisement O Logical, rational side of brain O Manages numbers, letters, words, and concepts O Use rational appeal O “Right-brain” advertisement O Emotional side of brain O Manages abstract ideas, images, and feelings O Use emotional appeal
The Target Market The target market for this ad is females, , who enjoy sports and have an active life style.
The Support The support claims highlighted in this advertisement is that MicroThins are: 30% thinner 40% lighter 4 times more scratch resistant 10 times more impact resistant 99.9% UV protection anti-reflective.
O Depict or condone dangerous, illegal, aggressive, or reckless driving. O Draw attention to the acceleration or speed capabilities of a vehicle. O Depict speed, racing, or other forms of competitive driving in any way associated with normal on-road use of vehicles. (Such scenes should be clearly identifiable as part of an organized motor sport.) O Show unsafe images of off-road driving. O Use fantasy, humor, or self-evident exaggeration to bypass the code’s provisions. O Use disclaimers to justify including material that doesn’t comply with the code. Source: Maria Nguyen, “Best Media for Car Marketers,” B&T Weekly, Vol. 54, No (October 15, 2004), p. 21. Advertisements should not: An example of Constraints: Australian Motor Vehicle Ad Code
Del Monte Advertisement
Creative Strategy - Del Monte O The Objective – Increase awareness of the smaller-size cans with pull-top lid. O Target Audience – senior citizens, especially those that live alone and suffer from arthritis and people wanting convenience. O Message Theme – The new cans not only contains a smaller portion but are easier to open/more convenient. O Support –illustration of how the lid comes off. O Constraints – copyright logo, legal requirements of a coupon and what is meant by a small serve.