Classifying Artwork :: Realistic Abstract Non Objective
Realistic Artwork the depiction of an object as it appears to the eye. art that attempts to accurately depict its subject so that it is recognizable to the viewer. Title: The Creation of Adam, c.1510 (detail)Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti Michelangelo Buonarroti Title: Flaming June, c.1895Artist: Frederick LeightonFrederick Leighton
Abstract Artwork the distorting of an object's natural appearance without losing all it's recognizable features Nude Descending a Staircase (No.2),1912. Oil on canvas Title: From the Lake I Artist: Georgia O'keeffeGeorgia O'keeffe
Non Objective Artwork the depiction of no recognizable or identifiable objects; however, the final product may be derived from a real object On White, 1923, Kandinsky Title: Violet, Green and Red, 1951 Artist: Mark RothkoMark Rothko
Realistic - Abstract - Non Objective
Your assignment: Choose a COLOR image (can be from magazine, internet, personal photo)
1 - portray realistically 2 - show the image in an abstract manner 3 - convert the image to a non-objective artwork Display all 3 together in a triptych