Protect Yourself, Your Business and the People Who Rely on You: DI Strategies for [Business Owners] [Solo or Group Practitioners] Presented by: Your Name
Be Realistic Be Proactive Be Confident Three Goals
Be Realistic “I never thought it could happen to me.” MetLife Study of the Emotional and Financial Impact of Disability, March 2010
Be Proactive “Make sure you have disability insurance through your job or buy it on your own. I did and it saved my life.”
Help cover everyday expenses: Business Overhead Expense Insurance Buy out disabled co-owners: Buy-Sell Insurance Provide for disabled employees: Salary Continuation Plan Replace a portion of your personal income: Individual Disability Insurance And Yourself Protect Your Business Disability Insurance Solutions
Scenario is hypothetical only and does not depict the results of any actual disability income insurance policy. The provisions in an actual policy, including benefit amount and premium, depend on the individual circumstances. ABC Family Practice
Examples of covered expenses − Rent − Utilities − Maintenance Services − Employee Wages* − Depreciation − Property & Liability Insurance − Health Insurance − Taxes/Mortgage Interest on Owned Business Premises − Plus, the salary of a disabled owner’s replacement, if qualified Solution 1: Business Overhead Expense Insurance So business can go on, even when you can’t. *Employee wages do not include wages for you, any partner, shareholder or member of your profession, anyone sharing business expenses with you, or any person to whom you are related by blood or marriage.
Keep your business in the right hands. Set up the process to purchase a disabled owner’s business interest Insurance funds the buy-out Gives the remaining owners control over how ownership is transferred Purchase Options Cross Purchase Owned by each owner Entity Purchase Owned by the business Trustee Purchase Owned by a trustee Solution 2: Buy-Sell Disability Insurance
See how their BOE and Buy-Sell plans work together. Results may vary based on your specific situation. Disability strikes 640 days BOE benefit period ends. Buy-sell waiting period ends. Lump Sum is Paid Waiting period ends BOE benefits begin. 90 days 2 years out of work
Don’t forget to protect yourself and your loved ones. MetLife’s high coverage limits make it easy to supplement current coverage. Noncancelable, guaranteed renewable protection. Ultimate flexibility and customization for your needs. Solution 3: Individual Disability Income Insurance Albert’s Policy with GIO
Help your employees when they need you the most. Provide for employees, plus carve out special benefits for key people Include premiums (usually tax-deductible) in monthly budget Insurer handles administration Save up to 20% off unisex premiums with MultiLife Satisfaction with benefits is connected with greater employee loyalty Solution 4: Salary Continuation Plan 12 th Annual MetLife Study of Employee Benefits Trends, 2014
Finding the right plan for you.
Be Confident “If insurance is offered be wise and take it. You never know if or when you will ever need it, but it could mean the difference between surviving through a disability financially or not.” MetLife Study of the Emotional and Financial Impact of Disability, March 2010
What if I need it but I don’t it? have
What if I have it but I don’t it? need
Today Tomorrow When you need it most
1. Assess your business and personal expenses. 2. Evaluate your current disability plan. 3. Evaluate other funding sources. 4. Know what you’re looking for. 5. Choose an insurer you can rely on.
MetLife Disability Insurance Noncancelable and guaranteed renewable policies available Competitive rates and possible discounts High coverage limits Specialty language or a Your Occupation rider Security and flexibility All from a company you know and trust Features vary by policy and state availability.
Thank You!
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue New York, NY CLDI24331 L [1015][All States][DC,PR] © 2014 METLIFE, INC. PEANUTS © 2014 Peanuts Worldwide Like most disability income insurance policies, MetLife’s policies contain certain exclusions, waiting periods, reductions, limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Ask your representative about costs and complete details. All policies, riders and provisions may not be available in all states, at all issue ages and to all occupational classes. Ask your representative for complete details. Eligibility is subject to underwriting approval. For policies issued in New York: These policies provide disability income insurance only. They do NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The expected benefit ratio for these policies is at least 50%. This ratio is the portion of future premiums that MetLife expects to return as benefits when averaged over all people with the applicable policy. Disability insurance is issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on IDIP12-01–IDIP12-08, IDI2000-P/NC, IDI2000- P/NC-ML, IDI2000-P/GR, IDIP03-1, IDIP04-1, AH 5-88, AH4-90, AH 7-96-CA and AH 8-96-CA.