Dr. Melinda Micheletto March 3, 2011
Preparation Warm Up Pedagogical Strategies Other Uses Wrap-Up
Pedagogical Strategies
Immediate Feedback It is suggested that active involvement in the discovery process in addition to immediate feedback promotes retention and the correction of initially inaccurate response strategies. Epstein Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique promotes learning and corrects inaccurate first responses
Immediate Feedback - Techniques Correct Answer Indicator – Individual Performance – Group Comparison Individual Reports
Student Engagement Depict students' psychological investment in learning also increasingly used to describe meaningful student involvement throughout the learning environment Prensky Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
Student Engagement - Techniques Fastest Responder Priority Ranking Opinion Polling Anonymous Polling
Learners easily remember or learn items when they are studied a few times over a long period of time. Spacing Effect Greene Spacing effects in memory: Evidence for a two-process account
Spacing Effect - Example Provide “think time” – Use essay slide
Peer Instruction Forces learners to think through arguments being developed and enables them (and the instructors) to assess their understanding of concepts BEFORE they leave the room Mazur Peer instruction: A user’s manual
Peer Assessment Students give feedback on peers’ project/ presentation. The class then discusses the findings in groups and gives feedback.
Agile Teaching The ability for the instructor to quickly adapt and change course pace and possibly structure to suit the needs and abilities of the learner. Bruff Teaching with classroom response systems: Creating active learning environments
Agile Teaching - Techniques On-the-Fly slides Conditional Branching
Assessment FOR Learning Checks if the learner is making progress toward meeting objectives during the learning process (to support learning). Stiggins Putting testing in perspective: It’s for learning
Assessment FOR Learning - Techniques Assess for Flawed Thinking Pre- & Post-Testing (Comparative Linking)
Resources Online Tutorials Recorded Trainings User Conferences Best Practices