SAMPLE The Manager’s COACHING Handbook A Practical Guide to Improving Employee Performance WELCOME!
SAMPLE TRAINING OBJECTIVES 1.Review and discuss the key concepts presented in The Manager’s COACHING Handbook. 2.Examine and discuss the relevance of the handbook contents to our jobs and our organization. 3.Work together to identify ways we can apply the principles of the handbook back on the job.
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION If you had to condense this handbook down to one overall message, what would that message be?
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION What’s your definition of “coaching”? What’s involved? Who benefits when it’s done effectively?
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION What information from the handbook stuck with you? What got your attention? What could you relate to?
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION What will you work on doing differently/ better as a result of reading this hand- book?
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION What coaching behaviors are you doing well that you’ll work to continue?
SAMPLE GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTION What are some things we all can do to get the most benefit from what this handbook has to offer?
SAMPLE Exercise: “BUILDING THE CASE FOR COACHING” In Table Groups … 1.Work together to develop a compelling case (convincing argument) for your assigned topic. Then, 2.List the key points that support your position on the flip chart sheet(s). Finally, 3. Select someone to present your “case” to the entire group. 9 minutes.
SAMPLE “BUILDING THE CASE FOR COACHING” DISCUSSION QUESTION Were any of the cases more compelling than others?
SAMPLE “BUILDING THE CASE FOR COACHING” DISCUSSION QUESTION Does anyone now have a different view of coaching than you did before the exercise?
SAMPLE “BUILDING THE CASE FOR COACHING” DISCUSSION QUESTION What’s your key learning from this exercise?
SAMPLE Exercise: “THE IDEAL COACH” In Table Groups … 1.Work together to draw a caricature of The Ideal Coach – with physical attributes, clothes, tools, equipment, etc., that depict the characteristics and behaviors of the coach. HAVE FUN! Then, 2.Select someone to present and explain your drawing to the entire group. 5 minutes.
SAMPLE “THE IDEAL COACH” DISCUSSION QUESTION How do the various drawings compare? Any similarities or patterns?
SAMPLE “THE IDEAL COACH” DISCUSSION QUESTION What specific behaviors and characteristics can you associate with being an effective coach?
SAMPLE “THE IDEAL COACH” DISCUSSION QUESTION What one thing can/will you do to be more like your caricature?
SAMPLE Exercise: “WHAT NOT TO DO!” In Table Groups … 1.Work together to identify as many leader behaviors as possible that would make performance improvement discussions with employees FAIL (i.e., What NOT to do). List them on the flip chart. Then, 2.Discuss the probable impacts/results of those behaviors. Finally, 3.Select someone to present your list of counter- productive behaviors – and their impacts – to the entire group. 7 minutes.
SAMPLE “WHAT NOT TO DO!” DISCUSSION QUESTION What’s your key learning from this exercise?
SAMPLE “WHAT NOT TO DO!” DISCUSSION QUESTION How do the various group lists compare to/match the information presented on page 32 of the handbook?
SAMPLE “WHAT NOT TO DO!” DISCUSSION QUESTION What can/should we do to avoid these counterproductive behaviors?
SAMPLE KEY LEARNING CONCEPTS 1.Coaching is about ENHANCING the PERFORMANCE of each team member. 2.EVERY INTERACTION with team members is a coaching opportunity. 3.Coaching is appropriate for FALLING STARS, MIDDLE STARS, and SUPER STARS. 4.The RESPONSIBILITY for maintaining good performance is the EMPLOYEE’S – not the leader’s. 5.Great coaches SET THE PACE for their teams.
SAMPLE Thank You … for your time and your participation!