To 160 th Ave Church of Christ
Questions How many are content with their life? How many are happy with marriage? How many are happy with their job? How many are happy with their appearance? How many are happy with the church they are worshipping with?
Discontentment: A favorite tool of the Devil The Devil didn’t tell Adam and Eve to Look around at all that God had given him. The Devil called their attention to the one thing they couldn’t have. Instead of seeing how rich they were the devil made them feel poor and… that can happen to us!
Enemies of Contentment Unrealistic Expectations – Not every marriage is perfect – Not all children turn out perfect – Not every job is perfectly fulfilling
Enemies of Contentment Unrealistic Expectations Unfair Comparisons – Matt. 20- parable of the laborers – The danger of facebook.
Facebook and Contentement "When you're browsing Facebook, you see people depict glowingly positive stuff. There is a social comparison process at play,“ – Kross "People feel left out…There is this imagination or fantasy that other people's lives are better. Facebook keeps people in the know about what other people are doing, but also about what they themselves are not doing.“ – Dr. Sudeepta Varma, a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University dis-
Enemies of Contentment Unrealistic Expectations Unfair Comparisons Unnoticed blessings – Col 2:7- this is not a verse the America seems to be familiar with! – We take these things for granted, we expect it, inalienable rights – When is the last time we actually did “count our many blessings”
Things to know about Contentment It is a learned condition (Phil. 4:11) – Learning through experience – Learning contentment, not complacency (Romans 12:11) – Contentment is a learned attitude that is satisfied and thankful for where I am right here right now. Does what I can right here right now Nobody is born feeling this way
Things to know about Contentment It is a learned condition (Phil. 4:11) Contentment is a state of mind, not circumstances (Phil. 4:12) – Paul has been in different circumstances. – Remember that the person who makes this statement is Paul!!! – You can choose: To be depressed or content To compare and be envious, or to be greatful To ignore blessings or to open your eyes and count!
Things to know about Contentment It is a learned condition (Phil. 4:11) Contentment is a state of mind, not circumstances (Phil. 4:12) It is about allegiance to Christ not about selfish indulgence. (Phil. 4:13) – Ex. Of hollywood. – Ecclesiastes
Things that will help us with Contentment Saturate yourself with the promises of God Get around someone who is content Give up something that you think you can’t live without Make an effort to stomp out bad thoughts and replace them with good ones – Practice makes perfect – Phil 4:8
Final Questions: What if Friday you lost your job? What if Saturday you found out you had a terminal illness? What if you came home to find out that your house burned to the ground? What if In the middle of the night You got a call that said that all of your loved ones died in a terrible accident? What if today Someone pressed the reset button and made it all come back?