1 Implementation of the MDSS Pooled Fund Study David Huft, South Dakota DOT AASHTO Research Advisory Committee Kansas City, MO July 27, 2010 Connecting South Dakota and the Nation
2 Motivation for Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) nRising demands of travelers & commercial carriers nHigh labor, material, equipment & fuel costs nConstrained agency funding and staffing nReliable, timely condition reports hard to get nSome weather conditions difficult to forecast nComplex pavement response to weather and maintenance nNew deicing chemicals available nEnvironmental concerns about deicer use nRetiring maintenance staff replaced by less experienced workers
3 MDSS Operating Premise If you know… nroad characteristics ncurrent conditions npredicted weather nphysics & chemistry of snow, ice, chemicals navailable resources (material, equipment, schedule) MDSS can recommend… ntreatment type napplication rate noptimal timing …and predict nfuture road conditions with or without treatments
4 MDSS is New… but Not Unproven Assess DOT Needs, Readiness Evaluate FHWA Functional Prototype Develop MDSS Software 6-State Limited Deployment Refine MDSS Software Validation Studies 8-State Field Trials Broad Deployment 2007 Expanded Deployment Independent B/C Analysis State Field Trials 12-State Field Trials 14-State Field Trials Refinement, Management Tools Surface Transportation Weather Decision Support Requirements (FHWA) FHWA Functional Prototype (by NCAR)
5 MDSS Growth states (2002) 15 states (2010) Meridian Environmental Technology
6 Essential Elements of MDSS nReport actual road conditions nReport maintenance treatments nAssess past & present weather conditions nAssess present roadway state nPredict storm weather nRecognize resource constraints nIdentify feasible maintenance treatments nPredict road surface behavior nCommunicate recommendations to supervisors and workers
7 Achievements: Road Surface Modeling MDSS considers past, current, and future conditions & actions
8 Achievements: Road Condition Prediction
9 Achievements: Information Integration & Visualization nScience-based integration of: –Weather observations –Weather forecasts –Maintenance vehicles –Human-reported conditions & activities nGIS-based user interface for visualization and analysis of: –Weather observations & forecasts –Road condition forecasts –RWIS/ESS data –Camera imagery –Mobile data & cameras –Blowing snow forecasts –Maintenance recommendations & outcomes
10 Achievements: Maintenance Plans & Outcomes nDifferent conditions forecast from different maintenance plans nSide-by-side comparisons permitted nMultiple maintenance plans and expected outcomes: –“Dynamic” approach to maintain service level in consideration of cost, available resources –“Standard” approach based on local, state, or national rules of practice –“What If?” approach for user-defined plans
11 Achievements: MDSS Field Trials CA6 CO108 IN156 IA65 KS18 KY5 MN185 NE101 NH7 NY17 ND77 SD80 VA9 WY68
12 Achievements: Field Decision Support nReal-time data from maintenance vehicles –Road temperature –Air temperature –Observed precipitation –Observed road conditions –Plowing activity –Chemical type & rate nMDSS adjusts predicted conditions and need for further maintenance nReal-time, vehicle- specific information fed back into vehicles –Radar imagery –Weather forecasts –Maintenance recommendations –Fleet depictions
13 Achievements: Field Decision Support
14 Mobile Data Collection Sensors & Antennas
15 Achievements: Training & Evaluation n“Storm playback” of recent or saved storms at user-defined pace –Evaluation of maintenance operations –What information was available for decisions and when –Train new employees on winter maintenance concepts and use of MDSS –Predict effects of programmatic changes nSupport emergency and traffic management
16 MDSS Benefits: Predicted & Realized Predicted nSame level of service with less cost –23% material savings in New Hampshire study nAchieve better level of service at same cost –10-15% less “unacceptable” conditions in New Hampshire study n8:1 Benefit/Cost Ratio New Hampshire nSimilar studies performed in MN, CO nOnly salt costs considered Realized nIndiana first-year statewide deployment 2008/2009 –$12M saved salt use –$1.3M saved overtime/fuel –$11M (of $40M) saved overall after normalizing for winter conditions nMitchell Region (SD) event $60/mile versus $300/mile nMinnesota estimate ~50% material saved at defined level of service nMore consistent winter maintenance
17 Resistance to Change
18 Change Obstacles & Agents Obstacles nFear nTechnology glitches nCost nPerceived value nExecutive support nConservative culture Agents nTraining nMaturing technology nB/C analysis nActual success nTargeted outreach nLeadership & implementation teams “There are two basic rules of life: Change is inevitable and everybody resists change” Roger Von Oech
19 Pooled Fund Study MDSS Progression Innovation Envision Design Build Demonstration Test Evaluate Refine Operation Implement Enhance Expand MDSS PFS Implementation Model
20 MDSS Marketing Efforts General MDSS nFHWA Market-Ready Technology nAASHTO Technology Implementation Group –Outreach brochure –6½ minute video –Case studies –State & region meetings nAASHTO/FHWA/LTAP Product Demonstration Showcases nNational Center for Atmospheric Research MDSS Pooled Fund nPFS technical panel meetings (3/year) nMDSS PFS Fact Sheet nSegment of Product Demonstration Showcase (by vendor and PFS states) nTRB conferences nITS America nWASHTO, SCOH nAmerican Meteorological Society
21 Product Demonstration Showcases nJointly sponsored by AASHTO TIG, FHWA Resource Center, FHWA LTAP nFree workshop nState & local participants nState, local & vendor presentations and demonstrations n Q/A panel discussions
22 MDSS Pooled Fund Study: Lessons Learned nWinter maintenance is complex nMDSS requires & drives culture change nImplementation process is long nTraining is crucial to adoption & acceptance nMDSS technology is still young and will continue to mature nMDSS does not replace the decision maker nBenefits of MDSS as an information and management tool may parallel direct benefits from recommendations
23 MDSS Pooled Fund Study: Current Technical Directions nFoster initial deployments nEvaluate, validate predictive capabilities nRefine physical models nMore effectively use mobile data collection nLink to other DOT systems –Maintenance Management –Asset Management –Traveler Information nMore powerful management tools & reports
24 MDSS Pooled Fund Study: Benefits of Membership nJointly directed leading-edge R&D nConvenient funding mechanism nLow-risk opportunity to deploy nLearning –State to State –Vendor to State –State to Vendor nIntellectual property: open but not public domain nNationally prominent forum for advancing MDSS and related technologies New States Are Welcome
25 Questions? Thanks to: nTony McClelland Indiana DOT nBen Hershey Meridian Environmental Technology For additional info: David Huft SDDOT Research Program Manager